2017年8月4日 星期五


上集「 曼德拉效應專輯 48 」,為大家分析到 「曼德拉效應」 出現後,

今集 「曼德拉效應專輯 49 」,會為 「曼德拉效應」 作出驚人的假設,
到底, 「曼德拉效應」 與被提之間,有甚麼關係呢?
究竟被提後,會否如 「曼德拉效應」 般,

最終,因為被提而產生 「曼德拉效應」 的時間自我修復,
他們家人和朋友的記憶中, 亦從來沒有親人失蹤。
《聖經》 中, 《但以理書 》預言的七十個七, 分為三個階段,
所以, 被提後「曼德拉效應」 會同時出現時間自我修復,




但以理書 9章 24 -26 節:

按《但以理書 》對第三階段,即最後一個七的記載,
但是,《但以理書 》七十個七的第二和第三階段之間,
原來有一個對舊約而言,是隱藏的 二千 多年教會時期。

假如,被提後真的出現 「曼德拉效應」 的時間自我修復,
屆時,不單 《聖經》 的新約會消失,
甚至舊約的《但以理書 》都可以重新理解。
所以,《但以理書 》並沒有預言教會的出現,
亦沒有預言新約 《聖經》 和救恩時期。

如此,就解釋了 《啟示錄 》預言被提後的情景,
為何不如世界的電影《末日迷蹤》,或很多 為何不如世界的電影《末日迷蹤》,或很多 《啟示錄 》釋經家的預測。
他們都認為, 被提發生的一刻世上數以百萬計基督徒包括飛機、火車或汽的司,
同電影《末日迷蹤》或釋經家的預測全球因為大量基督徒失蹤而引致滅世級數的災難 ,
為何全本 《聖經》 ,包括新舊約都不曾記載或預言呢?
現今全人類正一同經歷的普世性 「曼德拉效應」 ,
被提後教會歷史從人類消失歷史變成從未出現過教會、使徒新約 《聖經》 ,
當這個 「曼德拉效應」 出現,
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並且,所有 飛機、火車和汽的基督徒司,
就如現今的 世界,雖然發生了大量明顯「曼德拉效應」 ,
過往如此龐大的 「曼德拉效應」 , 如︰地球貌、人體結構大量新品種動物以及英王欽定本 《聖經》 或眾多著名品牌的字標誌改動,都沒有令世界出現大盪 。
到被提的時候, 「曼德拉效應」 可以同樣發揮作用,
出現被提的時間自我修復令教會、新約 《聖經》 和基督徒從歷史中消失。
人類歷史會直接回到舊約期重新連接 《但以理書 》七十個的最後一。
神亦可以運用祂的全能,在互聯網、舊報紙和卡通動畫中保留 「曼德拉效應」 的舊現實記憶, 留下教會 二千 多年歷史的蛛絲馬跡,及「 2012 榮耀盼望」信息。
世人對錫安教會的記憶已全部消失但留下來的毛衣人,卻可以藉著網絡保整套或部分「 2012 信息」, 信息」,
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就如 2017 年 6月 18 日播出的「 曼德拉效應 專輯 26 」︰
個人的 「曼德拉效應」 經歷:突然出現和消失的建築、改變家庭關係」, 經歷:突然出現和消失的建築、改變家庭關係」,
初步分享了 Jolene Robinson Jolene Robinson Jolene Robinson Jolene Robinson 女士在個人經歷和際關係的 女士在個人經歷和際關係的 「曼德拉效應」 ,
證明 「曼德拉效應」 不單出現在死物或事件上,
亦會個人歷史將來被提後,亦可 能發生同樣的個人 「曼德拉效應」 ,出現全球性人際關係的自我修復。
今集「 曼德拉效應 專輯」,會為大家分享另一個人倫關係的 專輯」,會為大家分享另一個人倫關係的 「曼德拉效應」 。
主角是一個 YouTubeYouTube YouTube YouTube談論陰謀頻道 The Truther Girls The Truther GirlsThe Truther Girls The Truther Girls The Truther Girls The Truther Girls 的主持 Sonia 。
所以, Sonia 認定是自己的朋友記錯,然後 向自己的兄弟和家人,
詢問父親在第二次世界大戰時的經歷。結果令 Sonia 非常震驚,
以下片段,是 Sonia 親身分享她的經歷。
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YouTubeYouTube YouTube 片段 :
Hi everyone, TrutherGirl Sonia here Hi everyone, TrutherGirl Sonia here Hi everyone, TrutherGirl Sonia here Hi everyone, TrutherGirl Sonia hereHi everyone, TrutherGirl Sonia here Hi everyone, TrutherGirl Sonia here Hi everyone, TrutherGirl Sonia here Hi everyone, TrutherGirl Sonia here Hi everyone, TrutherGirl Sonia here. 大家好,我是 TrutherGirl SoniaTrutherGirl Sonia TrutherGirl Sonia TrutherGirl SoniaTrutherGirl Sonia TrutherGirl Sonia 。
It’s really late at night I'm kind of thinking what am I doing It’s really late at night I'm kind of thinking what am I doing It’s really late at night I'm kind of thinking what am I doing It’s really late at night I'm kind of thinking what am I doing It’s really late at night I'm kind of thinking what am I doing It’s really late at night I'm kind of thinking what am I doing It’s really late at night I'm kind of thinking what am I doing It’s really late at night I'm kind of thinking what am I doing It’s really late at night I'm kind of thinking what am I doing It’s really late at night I'm kind of thinking what am I doing It’s really late at night I'm kind of thinking what am I doing It’s really late at night I'm kind of thinking what am I doing It’s really late at night I'm kind of thinking what am I doing It’s really late at night I'm kind of thinking what am I doing . 現已是深夜,我在做什麼呢?
pulling out my camera, but you know what like this kind of blew mind, okay, about the Mandela Effect pulling out my camera, but you know what like this kind of blew mind, okay, about the Mandela Effect pulling out my camera, but you know what like this kind of blew mind, okay, about the Mandela Effectpulling out my camera, but you know what like this kind of blew mind, okay, about the Mandela Effect pulling out my camera, but you know what like this kind of blew mind, okay, about the Mandela Effectpulling out my camera, but you know what like this kind of blew mind, okay, about the Mandela Effect pulling out my camera, but you know what like this kind of blew mind, okay, about the Mandela Effect pulling out my camera, but you know what like this kind of blew mind, okay, about the Mandela Effect pulling out my camera, but you know what like this kind of blew mind, okay, about the Mandela Effect pulling out my camera, but you know what like this kind of blew mind, okay, about the Mandela Effect pulling out my camera, but you know what like this kind of blew mind, okay, about the Mandela Effect pulling out my camera, but you know what like this kind of blew mind, okay, about the Mandela Effect pulling out my camera, but you know what like this kind of blew mind, okay, about the Mandela Effect pulling out my camera, but you know what like this kind of blew mind, okay, about the Mandela Effectpulling out my camera, but you know what like this kind of blew mind, okay, about the Mandela Effectpulling out my camera, but you know what like this kind of blew mind, okay, about the Mandela Effect pulling out my camera, but you know what like this kind of blew mind, okay, about the Mandela Effect pulling out my camera, but you know what like this kind of blew mind, okay, about the Mandela Effect pulling out my camera, but you know what like this kind of blew mind, okay, about the Mandela Effect pulling out my camera, but you know what like this kind of blew mind, okay, about the Mandela Effect pulling out my camera, but you know what like this kind of blew mind, okay, about the Mandela Effect pulling out my camera, but you know what like this kind of blew mind, okay, about the Mandela Effect . 拿出相機去做記錄,這震撼我的 「曼德拉效應」 。
I'm pretty skeptical person, you know and I had done a video before where I'm pretty skeptical person, you know and I had done a video before where I'm pretty skeptical person, you know and I had done a video before where I'm pretty skeptical person, you know and I had done a video before where I'm pretty skeptical person, you know and I had done a video before where I'm pretty skeptical person, you know and I had done a video before whereI'm pretty skeptical person, you know and I had done a video before where I'm pretty skeptical person, you know and I had done a video before where I'm pretty skeptical person, you know and I had done a video before where I'm pretty skeptical person, you know and I had done a video before where I'm pretty skeptical person, you know and I had done a video before where . 我是個挺會懷疑的人之前,已做過一錄像 。
I had been looking at all th I had been looking at all th I had been looking at all th I had been looking at all th I had been looking at all th I had been looking at all th I had been looking at all th I had been looking at all thI had been looking at all th ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems youese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems youese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems youese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems ese things about the Mandela Effect and I was like you know it seems , people don't know their history or they just remember what the thing was called people don't know their history or they just remember what the thing was called people don't know their history or they just remember what the thing was called people don't know their history or they just remember what the thing was called people don't know their history or they just remember what the thing was called people don't know their history or they just remember what the thing was called people don't know their history or they just remember what the thing was called people don't know their history or they just remember what the thing was calledpeople don't know their history or they just remember what the thing was called people don't know their history or they just remember what the thing was called people don't know their history or they just remember what the thing was called people don't know their history or they just remember what the thing was called people don't know their history or they just remember what the thing was calledpeople don't know their history or they just remember what the thing was calledpeople don't know their history or they just remember what the thing was called people don't know their history or they just remember what the thing was called people don't know their history or they just remember what the thing was called people don't know their history or they just remember what the thing was called people don't know their history or they just remember what the thing was called people don't know their history or they just remember what the thing was called people don't know their history or they just remember what the thing was called people don't know their history or they just remember what the thing was called . 我一直有查閱 「曼德拉效應」 的事情,我感覺只是有人不曉得歷史而已或忘記物件名字 。
and now they're like “No, it was always Depen and now they're like “No, it was always Depen and now they're like “No, it was always Depen and now they're like “No, it was always Depen and now they're like “No, it was always Depen and now they're like “No, it was always Depen ds” but really it was “Depend” ds” but really it was “Depend” ds” but really it was “Depend” ds” but really it was “Depend” ds” but really it was “Depend” ds” but really it was “Depend” . 他們說:不!成人尿片品牌是「 Depends 」但本來就是「 」但本來就是「 Depend 」。
but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go but then I guess when you talk about the product that in a plural, like, because don't go pick up one “Depend” pick up one “Depend” pick up one “Depend” . 只是當你談及這產品時,通常會說成眾數而非一片 尿。
I guess you could, but usu I guess you could, but usu I guess you could, but usuI guess you could, but usu I guess you could, but usu I guess you could, but usu I guess you could, but usuI guess you could, but usu ally you pick up a whole pack of them so go get some “Depends” know, ally you pick up a whole pack of them so go get some “Depends” know, ally you pick up a whole pack of them so go get some “Depends” know, ally you pick up a whole pack of them so go get some “Depends” know, ally you pick up a whole pack of them so go get some “Depends” know, ally you pick up a whole pack of them so go get some “Depends” know, ally you pick up a whole pack of them so go get some “Depends” know, ally you pick up a whole pack of them so go get some “Depends” know, ally you pick up a whole pack of them so go get some “Depends” know, ally you pick up a whole pack of them so go get some “Depends” know, ally you pick up a whole pack of them so go get some “Depends” know, ally you pick up a whole pack of them so go get some “Depends” know, ally you pick up a whole pack of them so go get some “Depends” know, ally you pick up a whole pack of them so go get some “Depends” know, ally you pick up a whole pack of them so go get some “Depends” know, ally you pick up a whole pack of them so go get some “Depends” know, ally you pick up a whole pack of them so go get some “Depends” know, ally you pick up a whole pack of them so go get some “Depends” know, ally you pick up a whole pack of them so go get some “Depends” know, ally you pick up a whole pack of them so go get some “Depends” know, ally you pick up a whole pack of them so go get some “Depends” know, ally you pick up a whole pack of them so go get some “Depends” know, stuff like that stuff like that stuff like that stuff like that. 我想你通常會買下一整包尿片,所以向說成「 Depends 」,無數的例子 」,無數的例子 。
and then I saw this woman she was saying her husband isn't and then I saw this woman she was saying her husband isn't and then I saw this woman she was saying her husband isn't and then I saw this woman she was saying her husband isn't and then I saw this woman she was saying her husband isn't and then I saw this woman she was saying her husband isn't and then I saw this woman she was saying her husband isn't and then I saw this woman she was saying her husband isn't and then I saw this woman she was saying her husband isn't husbandand then I saw this woman she was saying her husband isn't and then I saw this woman she was saying her husband isn't and then I saw this woman she was saying her husband isn't and then I saw this woman she was saying her husband isn't and then I saw this woman she was saying her husband isn't and then I saw this woman she was saying her husband isn't and then I saw this woman she was saying her husband isn't and then I saw this woman she was saying her husband isn't and then I saw this woman she was saying her husband isn't and then I saw this woman she was saying her husband isn't husbandand then I saw this woman she was saying her husband isn't and then I saw this woman she was saying her husband isn't , anymore because his whole anymore because his whole anymore because his whole anymore because his whole anymore because his whole anymore because his whole anymore because his whole narrative had changed and narrative had changed and narrative had changed and narrative had changed and narrative had changed and narrative had changed and narrative had changed and I thought, well, yes, pretty weird I thought, well, yes, pretty weird I thought, well, yes, pretty weird I thought, well, yes, pretty weird I thought, well, yes, pretty weird I thought, well, yes, pretty weird. 還有一個女人說她丈夫不是同了,因為他整段歷史都改變我想的確很奇怪 。
I mean if that happened to me in my own life I mean if that happened to me in my own life I mean if that happened to me in my own life I mean if that happened to me in my own life I mean if that happened to me in my own life I mean if that happened to me in my own lifeI mean if that happened to me in my own lifeI mean if that happened to me in my own life I mean if that happened to me in my own life I mean if that happened to me in my own life . 如果發生在我身上 ,
I think I'd be pretty convinced about the Mandela Effect I think I'd be pretty convinced about the Mandela Effect I think I'd be pretty convinced about the Mandela Effect I think I'd be pretty convinced about the Mandela Effect I think I'd be pretty convinced about the Mandela Effect I think I'd be pretty convinced about the Mandela Effect I think I'd be pretty convinced about the Mandela Effect I think I'd be pretty convinced about the Mandela Effect I think I'd be pretty convinced about the Mandela Effect . 我定必確信 「曼德拉效應」 的真實 。
and then I thought, well, you know, or she coul and then I thought, well, you know, or she coul and then I thought, well, you know, or she coul and then I thought, well, you know, or she coul and then I thought, well, you know, or she coul and then I thought, well, you know, or she coul and then I thought, well, you know, or she coul and then I thought, well, you know, or she coul and then I thought, well, you know, or she couland then I thought, well, you know, or she couland then I thought, well, you know, or she coul and then I thought, well, you know, or she coul and then I thought, well, you know, or she coul d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't d be making it up or she seemed really sincere I don't
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know, maybe like, she's got memory problems, I mean, you think of these things know, maybe like, she's got memory problems, I mean, you think of these things know, maybe like, she's got memory problems, I mean, you think of these thingsknow, maybe like, she's got memory problems, I mean, you know, think of these things know, maybe like, she's got memory problems, I mean, you think of these things know, maybe like, she's got memory problems, I mean, you think of these things know, maybe like, she's got memory problems, I mean, you think of these things know, maybe like, she's got memory problems, I mean, you think of these things know, maybe like, she's got memory problems, I mean, you think of these things know, maybe like, she's got memory problems, I mean, you think of these thingsknow, maybe like, she's got memory problems, I mean, you know, think of these thingsknow, maybe like, she's got memory problems, I mean, you know, think of these things know, maybe like, she's got memory problems, I mean, you think of these things know, maybe like, she's got memory problems, I mean, you think of these things know, maybe like, she's got memory problems, I mean, you think of these things know, maybe like, she's got memory problems, I mean, you think of these things know, maybe like, she's got memory problems, I mean, you think of these things know, maybe like, she's got memory problems, I mean, you think of these things know, maybe like, she's got memory problems, I mean, you think of these things know, maybe like, she's got memory problems, I mean, you think of these things know, maybe like, she's got memory problems, I mean, you think of these things know, maybe like, she's got memory problems, I mean, you think of these things . 但我又會懷疑她在吹牛 ,可是她看似很真誠,我不知道能記憶有問題 。
but I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is really but I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is really but I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is reallybut I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is really but I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is reallybut I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is really but I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is really but I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is really but I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is really but I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is really but I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is really but I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is really but I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is reallybut I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is really but I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is reallybut I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is really but I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is really but I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is reallybut I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is really but I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is reallybut I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is really but I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is really but I pretty much figured, you know, she sounds sincere and it is really weird so, you know, maybe there is weird so, you know, maybe there is weird so, you know, maybe there is weird so, you know, maybe there is weird so, you know, maybe there is weird so, you know, maybe there is weird so, you know, maybe there is weird so, you know, maybe there is weird so, you know, maybe there is weird so, you know, maybe there is weird so, you know, maybe there is weird so, you know, maybe there is weird so, you know, maybe there is such a thing maybe just something going on hasn't happened to me yet though, right? such a thing maybe just something going on hasn't happened to me yet though, right? such a thing maybe just something going on hasn't happened to me yet though, right? such a thing maybe just something going on hasn't happened to me yet though, right?such a thing maybe just something going on hasn't happened to me yet though, right? such a thing maybe just something going on hasn't happened to me yet though, right? such a thing maybe just something going on hasn't happened to me yet though, right?such a thing maybe just something going on hasn't happened to me yet though, right?such a thing maybe just something going on hasn't happened to me yet though, right? such a thing maybe just something going on hasn't happened to me yet though, right? such a thing maybe just something going on hasn't happened to me yet though, right? such a thing maybe just something going on hasn't happened to me yet though, right? such a thing maybe just something going on hasn't happened to me yet though, right? such a thing maybe just something going on hasn't happened to me yet though, right? such a thing maybe just something going on hasn't happened to me yet though, right? such a thing maybe just something going on hasn't happened to me yet though, right? 但她又確實很真誠,這奇怪!可能 「曼德拉效應」 確實存在,可能正發生只是未我身 確實存在,可能正發生只是未我身 確實存在,可能正發生只是未我身 確實存在,可能正發生只是未我身 上而已 。
Until the other day, something really weird happened Until the other day, something really weird happened Until the other day, something really weird happened Until the other day, something really weird happened Until the other day, something really weird happened Until the other day, something really weird happened Until the other day, something really weird happened Until the other day, something really weird happened Until the other day, something really weird happened Until the other day, something really weird happened . 直至一天,奇怪的事情發生了 ,
Well, it’s a whil Well, it’s a whil Well, it’s a whil Well, it’s a whil Well, it’s a whil e ago now, like a couple weeks e ago now, like a couple weeks e ago now, like a couple weeks e ago now, like a couple weeks e ago now, like a couple weeks . 在前 陣子,幾星期。
Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party Huh, so I went to a friend, friend was having party, her party . And I'm up on the roof with a And I'm up on the roof with a And I'm up on the roof with a And I'm up on the roof with a And I'm up on the roof with a And I'm up on the roof with a And I'm up on the roof with a And I'm up on the roof with a And I'm up on the roof with a And I'm up on the roof with a And I'm up on the roof with a couple of guys couple of guys couple of guys .
我到朋友家參與派對,在天台幾位男性傾談 。
Okay , no funny ideas, they are just my friends, right no funny ideas, they are just my friends, right no funny ideas, they are just my friends, right no funny ideas, they are just my friends, right no funny ideas, they are just my friends, right no funny ideas, they are just my friends, rightno funny ideas, they are just my friends, rightno funny ideas, they are just my friends, right no funny ideas, they are just my friends, right no funny ideas, they are just my friends, right . 沒甚麼特 別,他們只是我的朋友 。
I think they're just having a beer up on the roof or talking like I think they're just having a beer up on the roof or talking like I think they're just having a beer up on the roof or talking like I think they're just having a beer up on the roof or talking like I think they're just having a beer up on the roof or talking like I think they're just having a beer up on the roof or talking likeI think they're just having a beer up on the roof or talking like I think they're just having a beer up on the roof or talking like I think they're just having a beer up on the roof or talking like I think they're just having a beer up on the roof or talking like I think they're just having a beer up on the roof or talking like I think they're just having a beer up on the roof or talking like I think they're just having a beer up on the roof or talking likeI think they're just having a beer up on the roof or talking like I think they're just having a beer up on the roof or talking like . 我們在天 台,邊喝酒聊。
These people I've These people I've These people I've These people I've known like from the time I was really young known like from the time I was really young known like from the time I was really young known like from the time I was really young known like from the time I was really youngknown like from the time I was really young known like from the time I was really young known like from the time I was really young known like from the time I was really young known like from the time I was really young known like from the time I was really young known like from the time I was really young known like from the time I was really young known like from the time I was really young , so up there actually were like two people so up there actually were like two people so up there actually were like two people so up there actually were like two people so up there actually were like two people so up there actually were like two people so up there actually were like two people so up there actually were like two people so up there actually were like two people so up there actually were like two people so up there actually were like two people so up there actually were like two people so up there actually were like two people so up there actually were like two people so up there actually were like two people that I've known since we were like six years old that I've known since we were like six years oldthat I've known since we were like six years old that I've known since we were like six years old that I've known since we were like six years old that I've known since we were like six years old that I've known since we were like six years old that I've known since we were like six years old that I've known since we were like six years oldthat I've known since we were like six years old that I've known since we were like six years old that I've known since we were like six years old that I've known since we were like six years old that I've known since we were like six years old that I've known since we were like six years oldthat I've known since we were like six years oldthat I've known since we were like six years old . They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of They're like my brothers, little brothers and so one of them, well, his name is Eric them, well, his name is Eric them, well, his name is Eric them, well, his name is Eric them, well, his name is Eric them, well, his name is Eric. 我們自小就認識,當時有兩位朋友六歲起他好像的弟其中一名叫 Eric Eric。
Well, you won’t know who he is Well, you won’t know who he is Well, you won’t know who he is Well, you won’t know who he is . I will just use his real name, otherwise it's going to confuse me I will just use his real name, otherwise it's going to confuse me I will just use his real name, otherwise it's going to confuse me I will just use his real name, otherwise it's going to confuse me I will just use his real name, otherwise it's going to confuse me I will just use his real name, otherwise it's going to confuse me I will just use his real name, otherwise it's going to confuse me I will just use his real name, otherwise it's going to confuse me I will just use his real name, otherwise it's going to confuse me I will just use his real name, otherwise it's going to confuse me I will just use his real name, otherwise it's going to confuse me I will just use his real name, otherwise it's going to confuse meI will just use his real name, otherwise it's going to confuse me I will just use his real name, otherwise it's going to confuse me I will just use his real name, otherwise it's going to confuse me I will just use his real name, otherwise it's going to confuse me I will just use his real name, otherwise it's going to confuse meI will just use his real name, otherwise it's going to confuse me. 你也不會知道他是誰,我就直接用的真名以免混 淆。
so Eric is there and the other one Alastair so Eric is there and the other one Alastair so Eric is there and the other one Alastair so Eric is there and the other one Alastairso Eric is there and the other one Alastair so Eric is there and the other one Alastair so Eric is there and the other one Alastair so Eric is there and the other one Alastair so Eric is there and the other one Alastair so Eric is there and the other one Alastair so Eric is there and the other one Alastairso Eric is there and the other one Alastair . Eric Eric和 Alastair Alastair 就在那裡 就在那裡 ,
So Eric is sitting there, he's having a beer So Eric is sitting there, he's having a beer So Eric is sitting there, he's having a beerSo Eric is sitting there, he's having a beer So Eric is sitting there, he's having a beer So Eric is sitting there, he's having a beer So Eric is sitting there, he's having a beer So Eric is sitting there, he's having a beer . We're talking about my dadWe're talking about my dadWe're talking about my dadWe're talking about my dad We're talking about my dad We're talking about my dad We're talking about my dad We're talking about my dad We're talking about my dad . Eric Eric坐著喝啤酒,我們談起的爸來 坐著喝啤酒,我們談起的爸來 。
My dad passed away a few years ago My dad passed away a few years agoMy dad passed away a few years ago My dad passed away a few years ago . He was a super cool guy and these guys knew my dad He was a super cool guy and these guys knew my dad He was a super cool guy and these guys knew my dad He was a super cool guy and these guys knew my dad He was a super cool guy and these guys knew my dad He was a super cool guy and these guys knew my dad He was a super cool guy and these guys knew my dadHe was a super cool guy and these guys knew my dad .
20170702 www.ziondaily.com
在幾 年前去世,是個很有意思的老爸 他們也認識我。
Eric just loves my dad Eric just loves my dad Eric just loves my dad Eric just loves my dad Eric just loves my dad Eric just loves my dadEric just loves my dadEric just loves my dadEric just loves my dad . And so you know Eric is talking about my dad And so you know Eric is talking about my dad And so you know Eric is talking about my dad And so you know Eric is talking about my dadAnd so you know Eric is talking about my dad And so you know Eric is talking about my dad And so you know Eric is talking about my dad And so you know Eric is talking about my dad And so you know Eric is talking about my dad And so you know Eric is talking about my dadAnd so you know Eric is talking about my dad And so you know Eric is talking about my dad And so you know Eric is talking about my dad And so you know Eric is talking about my dadAnd so you know Eric is talking about my dadAnd so you know Eric is talking about my dadAnd so you know Eric is talking about my dad . He starts talking about my dad's He starts talking about my dad's He starts talking about my dad's He starts talking about my dad's He starts talking about my dad's He starts talking about my dad's He starts talking about my dad's He starts talking about my dad's He starts talking about my dad's He starts talking about my dad's He starts talking about my dad's He starts talking about my dad's story and see story and see story and seestory and see. Eric Eric也愛我爸, 也愛我爸, Eric Eric談起我爸的故事, 談起我爸的故事, Eric Eric開始談起他來 開始談起他來 。
my father is a Polish Jew from the town of my father is a Polish Jew from the town of my father is a Polish Jew from the town of my father is a Polish Jew from the town of my father is a Polish Jew from the town of my father is a Polish Jew from the town of my father is a Polish Jew from the town of my father is a Polish Jew from the town of my father is a Polish Jew from the town of my father is a Polish Jew from the town of my father is a Polish Jew from the town of my father is a Polish Jew from the town of my father is a Polish Jew from the town of my father is a Polish Jew from the town of my father is a Polish Jew from the town of my father is a Polish Jew from the town of Łód ź which was on the then which was on the then which was on the thenwhich was on the then which was on the then which was on the then which was on the then -German oc German oc German oc cupied side of Poland cupied side of Poland cupied side of Poland cupied side of Poland cupied side of Poland cupied side of Poland cupied side of Poland cupied side of Poland but he was born in Bia but he was born in Bia but he was born in Bia but he was born in Biabut he was born in Biabut he was born in Bia but he was born in Bia but he was born in Biabut he was born in Bia łystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he ystok which during World War II was, at that point, occupied by the Russians and he look, really didn’t, you know, look Jewish look, really didn’t, you know, look Jewish look, really didn’t, you know, look Jewish look, really didn’t, you know, look Jewish look, really didn’t, you know, look Jewish look, really didn’t, you know, look Jewish look, really didn’t, you know, look Jewish look, really didn’t, you know, look Jewish look, really didn’t, you know, look Jewish . 我爸是個猶太籍波蘭人 ,居於前德國佔據的波蘭邊境小鎮 居於前德國佔據的波蘭邊境小鎮 Łód ź,在 Bia łystok 出生,二戰時被俄羅斯 出生,二戰時被俄羅斯 出生,二戰時被俄羅斯 出生,二戰時被俄羅斯 佔據的領土,他長得不像猶太人 。
He was tall, blo He was tall, blo He was tall, blo He was tall, blo nd, blue nd, blue nd, blue-eyed . He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say He had a big Polish nose, very polish like looking face, let's just say and he looked Polish, just everything and he looked Polish, just everything and he looked Polish, just everything and he looked Polish, just everything and he looked Polish, just everything and he looked Polish, just everything and he looked Polish, just everything . 個子很高、金髮藍眼睛,大的波蘭鼻臉就是人 樣貌長得像不折扣。
and he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddish and he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddish and he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddishand he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddish and he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddish and he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddish and he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddish and he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddishand he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddish and he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddishand he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddish and he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddishand he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddishand he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddish and he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddish and he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddishand he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddish and he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddish and he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddishand he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddish and he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddish and he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddishand he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddish and he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddish and he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddish and he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddishand he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddishand he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddish and he didn't speak with like a Jewish accent because never spoke Yiddish and his sister was like dating and his sister was like dating and his sister was like dating and his sister was like dating and his sister was like dating and his sister was like dating and his sister was like dating and his sister was like dating and his sister was like dating a Polish guy and apparently a Polish guy and apparently a Polish guy and apparently a Polish guy and apparently a Polish guy and apparentlya Polish guy and apparently a Polish guy and apparently a Polish guy and apparentlya Polish guy and apparently a Polish guy and apparently, she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all she looked like me except with blue eyes and tall they're all blond or whatever blond or whatever , so like they could pass as Poles, you know so like they could pass as Poles, you know so like they could pass as Poles, you know so like they could pass as Poles, you know so like they could pass as Poles, you know so like they could pass as Poles, you know so like they could pass as Poles, you knowso like they could pass as Poles, you know . 也沒有猶太人的口音,因他從不説依地語而妹個波蘭男朋友她與我長得很像除 也沒有猶太人的口音,因他從不説依地語而妹個波蘭男朋友她與我長得很像除 也沒有猶太人的口音,因他從不説依地語而妹個波蘭男朋友她與我長得很像除 也沒有猶太人的口音,因他從不説依地語而妹個波蘭男朋友她與我長得很像除 了她有藍眼睛和個子 高,他們都長得很高及有金髪,所以能充當波蘭人 。
So when they signed the paper that next day So when they signed the paper that next day So when they signed the paper that next day So when they signed the paper that next day So when they signed the paper that next day So when they signed the paper that next daySo when they signed the paper that next day So when they signed the paper that next day , the Jews were gonna have to wear star the Jews were gonna have to wear star the Jews were gonna have to wear star the Jews were gonna have to wear starthe Jews were gonna have to wear the star the Jews were gonna have to wear star the Jews were gonna have to wear starthe Jews were gonna have to wear the star. 有天,當局簽訂文件規定翌日猶太人要配戴黃星標記 。
My father decided: this is not for me My father decided: this is not for me My father decided: this is not for me My father decided: this is not for me My father decided: this is not for me My father decided: this is not for me My father decided: this is not for me My father decided: this is not for me. This is what he told me This is what he told me This is what he told meThis is what he told me This is what he told me. 我父親決定:不會接受的 ,這是他告訴。
I mean I meanI mean , you know you knowyou know , when y when y when you have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running ou have a parent that went through something like World War II and running away from the Nazis and ending up in a Gulag which I'm going to tell you about away from the Nazis and ending up in a Gulag which I'm going to tell you about away from the Nazis and ending up in a Gulag which I'm going to tell you aboutaway from the Nazis and ending up in a Gulag which I'm going to tell you about away from the Nazis and ending up in a Gulag which I'm going to tell you about away from the Nazis and ending up in a Gulag which I'm going to tell you about away from the Nazis and ending up in a Gulag which I'm going to tell you about away from the Nazis and ending up in a Gulag which I'm going to tell you about away from the Nazis and ending up in a Gulag which I'm going to tell you about away from the Nazis and ending up in a Gulag which I'm going to tell you about away from the Nazis and ending up in a Gulag which I'm going to tell you about away from the Nazis and ending up in a Gulag which I'm going to tell you about away from the Nazis and ending up in a Gulag which I'm going to tell you about away from the Nazis and ending up in a Gulag which I'm going to tell you about . 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 我的意思是,當父母經歷了第二次世界大戰逃離納粹 黨並最後入了一個古拉格勞改營 並最後入了一個古拉格勞改營 並最後入了一個古拉格勞改營 並最後入了一個古拉格勞改營 並最後入了一個古拉格勞改營 並最後入了一個古拉格勞改營 並最後入了一個古拉格勞改營 並最後入了一個古拉格勞改營 並最後入了一個古拉格勞改營 並最後入了一個古拉格勞改營 並最後入了一個古拉格勞改營 並最後入了一個古拉格勞改營 並最後入了一個古拉格勞改營 —— 我將會 我將會 告訴你是什麼 。 You know you've heard the story many timesYou know you've heard the story many times You know you've heard the story many times You know you've heard the story many times You know you've heard the story many times You know you've heard the story many timesYou know you've heard the story many times You know you've heard the story many timesYou know you've heard the story many times . 你必定會 聽過這個故事很多次 ,
Like your whole life, you've heard over and all these things, right? Like your whole life, you've heard over and all these things, right? Like your whole life, you've heard over and all these things, right? Like your whole life, you've heard over and all these things, right? Like your whole life, you've heard over and all these things, right? Like your whole life, you've heard over and all these things, right? Like your whole life, you've heard over and all these things, right? Like your whole life, you've heard over and all these things, right? Like your whole life, you've heard over and all these things, right? Like your whole life, you've heard over and all these things, right? Like your whole life, you've heard over and all these things, right? Like your whole life, you've heard over and all these things, right? 就像你一生不斷重複聽這些事情 ,
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So what's weird is that So what's weird is that So what's weird is that So what's weird is that So what's weird is that So what's weird is that So what's weird is that, that night I found out the story had changed that night I found out the story had changed that night I found out the story had changed that night I found out the story had changed that night I found out the story had changed that night I found out the story had changed that night I found out the story had changed that night I found out the story had changed that night I found out the story had changed that night I found out the story had changed . 奇怪的是,某天晚上我發現這個故事改變了 。
So this story was that So this story was that So this story was thatSo this story was thatSo this story was that So this story was thatSo this story was that So this story was that So this story was that , when they send the paper that they'r when they send the paper that they'r when they send the paper that they'r when they send the paper that they'r when they send the paper that they'r when they send the paper that they'r when they send the paper that they'r when they send the paper that they'r when they send the paper that they'r when they send the paper that they'r e gonna have to wear the star e gonna have to wear the stare gonna have to wear the star e gonna have to wear the star e gonna have to wear the stare gonna have to wear the star e gonna have to wear the stare gonna have to wear the star e gonna have to wear the star e gonna have to wear the stare gonna have to wear the star , my father and his my father and his my father and his my father and his my father and his my father and his words were: this is not for me words were: this is not for me words were: this is not for me words were: this is not for me words were: this is not for me words were: this is not for me. 這個故事是,當他們發出文件要求猶太人配戴黃星標記時我父親說:不會接受的 。
This is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin Adam This is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin Adam This is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin Adam This is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin AdamThis is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin Adam This is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin AdamThis is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin Adam This is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin Adam This is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin Adam This is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin Adam This is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin AdamThis is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin Adam This is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin Adam This is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin Adam This is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin Adam This is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin AdamThis is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin Adam This is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin Adam This is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin Adam This is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin AdamThis is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin Adam This is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin Adam This is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin Adam This is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin Adam This is what he always said to me and that left with his cousin Adam, the next morning and they just the next morning and they just the next morning and they just the next morning and they just the next morning and they just the next morning and they just the next morning and they just the next morning and they just the next morning and they just the next morning and they just the next morning and they just walked right through even thou walked right through even thou walked right through even thou walked right through even thou walked right through even thou walked right through even thou gh there were Nazis like left and right gh there were Nazis like left and right gh there were Nazis like left and right gh there were Nazis like left and right gh there were Nazis like left and rightgh there were Nazis like left and right gh there were Nazis like left and right . 這是他一直對我說的,翌日早上與表弟 Adam 離開了,他們直接穿過左右兩排的納粹 離開了,他們直接穿過左右兩排的納粹 黨。
There were lining up Jews There were lining up JewsThere were lining up Jews There were lining up Jews There were lining up Jews There were lining up Jews There were lining up Jews There were lining up Jews . They were making them dig trenches and stuff like that They were making them dig trenches and stuff like that They were making them dig trenches and stuff like that They were making them dig trenches and stuff like thatThey were making them dig trenches and stuff like that They were making them dig trenches and stuff like that They were making them dig trenches and stuff like that They were making them dig trenches and stuff like that They were making them dig trenches and stuff like thatThey were making them dig trenches and stuff like that They were making them dig trenches and stuff like that They were making them dig trenches and stuff like that They were making them dig trenches and stuff like that They were making them dig trenches and stuff like that They were making them dig trenches and stuff like that They were making them dig trenches and stuff like that . These people have the These people have the These people have the These people have the These people have the star star. 有猶太人正在排隊,他們指使挖掘溝渠之類這些戴著黃星 。
My father just walked right My father just walked right My father just walked right My father just walked right My father just walked right through the town through the town through the town through the town . 我父親直接穿過城鎮 ,
Nobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept going Nobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept going Nobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept goingNobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept going Nobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept going Nobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept goingNobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept going Nobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept going Nobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept going Nobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept going Nobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept going Nobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept going Nobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept going Nobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept going Nobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept goingNobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept going Nobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept goingNobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept going Nobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept going Nobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept going Nobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept going Nobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept going Nobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept going Nobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept going Nobody thought he was a Jew because didn't look like one so just walked, kept going . And they got And they got And they got And they got into the eastern part of Poland into the eastern part of Poland into the eastern part of Poland into the eastern part of Poland into the eastern part of Poland into the eastern part of Poland . 沒有人以為他是猶太,因看起來不像所一直走斷們進了波蘭的東部 沒有人以為他是猶太,因看起來不像所一直走斷們進了波蘭的東部 沒有人以為他是猶太,因看起來不像所一直走斷們進了波蘭的東部 沒有人以為他是猶太,因看起來不像所一直走斷們進了波蘭的東部 沒有人以為他是猶太,因看起來不像所一直走斷們進了波蘭的東部 沒有人以為他是猶太,因看起來不像所一直走斷們進了波蘭的東部 沒有人以為他是猶太,因看起來不像所一直走斷們進了波蘭的東部 沒有人以為他是猶太,因看起來不像所一直走斷們進了波蘭的東部 沒有人以為他是猶太,因看起來不像所一直走斷們進了波蘭的東部 沒有人以為他是猶太,因看起來不像所一直走斷們進了波蘭的東部 沒有人以為他是猶太,因看起來不像所一直走斷們進了波蘭的東部 沒有人以為他是猶太,因看起來不像所一直走斷們進了波蘭的東部 沒有人以為他是猶太,因看起來不像所一直走斷們進了波蘭的東部 沒有人以為他是猶太,因看起來不像所一直走斷們進了波蘭的東部 沒有人以為他是猶太,因看起來不像所一直走斷們進了波蘭的東部 沒有人以為他是猶太,因看起來不像所一直走斷們進了波蘭的東部 沒有人以為他是猶太,因看起來不像所一直走斷們進了波蘭的東部 沒有人以為他是猶太,因看起來不像所一直走斷們進了波蘭的東部 沒有人以為他是猶太,因看起來不像所一直走斷們進了波蘭的東部 沒有人以為他是猶太,因看起來不像所一直走斷們進了波蘭的東部 沒有人以為他是猶太,因看起來不像所一直走斷們進了波蘭的東部 沒有人以為他是猶太,因看起來不像所一直走斷們進了波蘭的東部 。
They got to be out of stalk They got to be out of stalk They got to be out of stalk . 他們必須脫離跟蹤 。
No w this night, Eric is telling me that my father had to wear the armband or stars something w this night, Eric is telling me that my father had to wear the armband or stars something w this night, Eric is telling me that my father had to wear the armband or stars something w this night, Eric is telling me that my father had to wear the armband or stars something w this night, Eric is telling me that my father had to wear the armband or stars something w this night, Eric is telling me that my father had to wear the armband or stars something w this night, Eric is telling me that my father had to wear the armband or stars something w this night, Eric is telling me that my father had to wear the armband or stars something w this night, Eric is telling me that my father had to wear the armband or stars somethingw this night, Eric is telling me that my father had to wear the armband or stars something w this night, Eric is telling me that my father had to wear the armband or stars something w this night, Eric is telling me that my father had to wear the armband or stars something w this night, Eric is telling me that my father had to wear the armband or stars something w this night, Eric is telling me that my father had to wear the armband or stars something w this night, Eric is telling me that my father had to wear the armband or stars something w this night, Eric is telling me that my father had to wear the armband or stars something w this night, Eric is telling me that my father had to wear the armband or stars something w this night, Eric is telling me that my father had to wear the armband or stars something . 當晚 Eric Eric說,我父親當時要配戴袖標或黃星其他記 。
And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear itAnd I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear itAnd I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear itAnd I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear And I'm like: no, he never wore it because the day that they announced they'd have to wear , the next day the next day the next day that's when my fathe that's when my fathethat's when my fathe that's when my fathe r left r leftr left . 我反應是:不,他從來沒有戴上因為們宣布翌日必須的那天 就父親逃離。
Like I've heard this millions of times Like I've heard this millions of timesLike I've heard this millions of times Like I've heard this millions of times Like I've heard this millions of times Like I've heard this millions of times Like I've heard this millions of times Like I've heard this millions of times . 我已聽過這故事無數次 。
Something, Eric, you know, maybe he has the story wrong whatever, or a couple of drinks Something, Eric, you know, maybe he has the story wrong whatever, or a couple of drinksSomething, Eric, you know, maybe he has the story wrong whatever, or a couple of drinks Something, Eric, you know, maybe he has the story wrong whatever, or a couple of drinks Something, Eric, you know, maybe he has the story wrong whatever, or a couple of drinks Something, Eric, you know, maybe he has the story wrong whatever, or a couple of drinks Something, Eric, you know, maybe he has the story wrong whatever, or a couple of drinks Something, Eric, you know, maybe he has the story wrong whatever, or a couple of drinksSomething, Eric, you know, maybe he has the story wrong whatever, or a couple of drinks Something, Eric, you know, maybe he has the story wrong whatever, or a couple of drinks Something, Eric, you know, maybe he has the story wrong whatever, or a couple of drinks Something, Eric, you know, maybe he has the story wrong whatever, or a couple of drinks Something, Eric, you know, maybe he has the story wrong whatever, or a couple of drinks Something, Eric, you know, maybe he has the story wrong whatever, or a couple of drinks Something, Eric, you know, maybe he has the story wrong whatever, or a couple of drinksSomething, Eric, you know, maybe he has the story wrong whatever, or a couple of drinks . 也許 Eric Eric的故事錯了 ,也許他喝醉。
Eric, if you're watching this, I l Eric, if you're watching this, I l Eric, if you're watching this, I l Eric, if you're watching this, I l Eric, if you're watching this, I l Eric, if you're watching this, I l Eric, if you're watching this, I l Eric, if you're watching this, I l ove you ove you ove you . You're a little tipsyYou're a little tipsy You're a little tipsy You're a little tipsy You're a little tipsy You're a little tipsy You're a little tipsy .
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Eric Eric,如果你在看這個,我愛。有點醉意 ,如果你在看這個我愛。有點醉意 。
So I was just like, whatever Eric's been drinking and maybe he’s got it mixed up So I was just like, whatever Eric's been drinking and maybe he’s got it mixed up So I was just like, whatever Eric's been drinking and maybe he’s got it mixed up So I was just like, whatever Eric's been drinking and maybe he’s got it mixed up So I was just like, whatever Eric's been drinking and maybe he’s got it mixed up So I was just like, whatever Eric's been drinking and maybe he’s got it mixed up So I was just like, whatever Eric's been drinking and maybe he’s got it mixed up So I was just like, whatever Eric's been drinking and maybe he’s got it mixed up So I was just like, whatever Eric's been drinking and maybe he’s got it mixed up So I was just like, whatever Eric's been drinking and maybe he’s got it mixed up So I was just like, whatever Eric's been drinking and maybe he’s got it mixed up So I was just like, whatever Eric's been drinking and maybe he’s got it mixed up So I was just like, whatever Eric's been drinking and maybe he’s got it mixed up So I was just like, whatever Eric's been drinking and maybe he’s got it mixed up So I was just like, whatever Eric's been drinking and maybe he’s got it mixed up So I was just like, whatever Eric's been drinking and maybe he’s got it mixed up So I was just like, whatever Eric's been drinking and maybe he’s got it mixed up . 所以我反應是: Eric Eric一直在喝酒,也許他混淆了 一直在喝酒,也許他混淆了 。
You know it’s my dad, I should know, right? You know it’s my dad, I should know, right? You know it’s my dad, I should know, right? You know it’s my dad, I should know, right? You know it’s my dad, I should know, right? You know it’s my dad, I should know, right? You know it’s my dad, I should know, right? You know it’s my dad, I should know, right? You know it’s my dad, I should know, right? 這是我爸,應該很清楚對吧?
So then there's more So then there's more So then there's more So then there's more So then there's moreSo then there's more . 還有更多 。
So my father ended up on the Russian side and he in Gulag o my father ended up on the Russian side and he in Gulago my father ended up on the Russian side and he in Gulag o my father ended up on the Russian side and he in Gulag o my father ended up on the Russian side and he in Gulag o my father ended up on the Russian side and he in Gulago my father ended up on the Russian side and he in Gulag o my father ended up on the Russian side and he in Gulag o my father ended up on the Russian side and he in Gulag o my father ended up on the Russian side and he in Gulag o my father ended up on the Russian side and he in Gulag o my father ended up on the Russian side and he in Gulag. 我爸最終到了俄羅斯領域,他後進古拉格勞改營 。
And what he had told me was that after And what he had told me was that after And what he had told me was that after And what he had told me was that after And what he had told me was that after And what he had told me was that after And what he had told me was that afterAnd what he had told me was that after And what he had told me was that after And what he had told me was that after And what he had told me was that afterAnd what he had told me was that after , he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives he'd been on that side for like a year with his relatives and he had been with people he'd chopping and he had been with people he'd chopping and he had been with people he'd chopping and he had been with people he'd chopping and he had been with people he'd chopping and he had been with people he'd chopping and he had been with people he'd chopping and he had been with people he'd chopping and he had been with people he'd chopping wood to earn his room and board or whatever wood to earn his room and board or whatever wood to earn his room and board or whateverwood to earn his room and board or whatever wood to earn his room and board or whatever wood to earn his room and board or whatever wood to earn his room and board or whatever. 他告訴我,到了蘇聯一年之後直和親戚其人在起砍木頭來維持生計 。
At some point, he went into a police station to ask question about something At some point, he went into a police station to ask question about something At some point, he went into a police station to ask question about something At some point, he went into a police station to ask question about something At some point, he went into a police station to ask question about something At some point, he went into a police station to ask question about somethingAt some point, he went into a police station to ask question about something At some point, he went into a police station to ask question about something At some point, he went into a police station to ask question about somethingAt some point, he went into a police station to ask question about something At some point, he went into a police station to ask question about something At some point, he went into a police station to ask question about something . 在某刻,他走進了警局問題 。
And when he got in there, they started asking him questions and f And when he got in there, they started asking him questions and f And when he got in there, they started asking him questions and f And when he got in there, they started asking him questions and f And when he got in there, they started asking him questions and f And when he got in there, they started asking him questions and f And when he got in there, they started asking him questions and f And when he got in there, they started asking him questions and f And when he got in there, they started asking him questions and f And when he got in there, they started asking him questions and f And when he got in there, they started asking him questions and fAnd when he got in there, they started asking him questions and f And when he got in there, they started asking him questions and fAnd when he got in there, they started asking him questions and fAnd when he got in there, they started asking him questions and f And when he got in there, they started asking him questions and f And when he got in there, they started asking him questions and f And when he got in there, they started asking him questions and f And when he got in there, they started asking him questions and f And when he got in there, they started asking him questions and found out that he wasn't registered ound out that he wasn't registered ound out that he wasn't registered ound out that he wasn't registered ound out that he wasn't registered ound out that he wasn't registered ound out that he wasn't registered ound out that he wasn't registered ound out that he wasn't registered ound out that he wasn't registered and he was from and he was from Łód ź. 在警局時,他們就開始問題發現我父親沒有登記戶籍而來自胡芝省 。 And at the time, everybody was supposed to register And at the time, everybody was supposed to register And at the time, everybody was supposed to registerAnd at the time, everybody was supposed to register And at the time, everybody was supposed to register And at the time, everybody was supposed to register And at the time, everybody was supposed to registerAnd at the time, everybody was supposed to register . 當時,每個人都應該登記 。 That's what the Soviets said, you know, all have to register with government That's what the Soviets said, you know, all have to register with government That's what the Soviets said, you know, all have to register with government That's what the Soviets said, you know, all have to register with government That's what the Soviets said, you know, all have to register with government That's what the Soviets said, you know, all have to register with government That's what the Soviets said, you know, all have to register with government That's what the Soviets said, you know, all have to register with government That's what the Soviets said, you know, all have to register with government That's what the Soviets said, you know, all have to register with government That's what the Soviets said, you know, all have to register with government That's what the Soviets said, you know, all have to register with government That's what the Soviets said, you know, all have to register with government That's what the Soviets said, you know, all have to register with government That's what the Soviets said, you know, all have to register with government . 這是蘇聯說的: 你們都必須向政府登記 。 And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together And my father, rebel that he always was or maybe just lazy and didn’t have it together , but anyway but anyway but anyway , he didn't register . 而我的父親,一直都在反抗也或者他只是懶惰沒有處理 ,無論如何,他沒有登記 。 So then he goes into a police station and what told me I've heard in So then he goes into a police station and what told me I've heard in So then he goes into a police station and what told me I've heard in So then he goes into a police station and what told me I've heard in So then he goes into a police station and what told me I've heard in So then he goes into a police station and what told me I've heard in So then he goes into a police station and what told me I've heard in So then he goes into a police station and what told me I've heard in So then he goes into a police station and what told me I've heard in So then he goes into a police station and what told me I've heard in So then he goes into a police station and what told me I've heard in So then he goes into a police station and what told me I've heard in So then he goes into a police station and what told me I've heard in So then he goes into a police station and what told me I've heard in my whole life, wasmy whole life, was my whole life, was my whole life, was . 於是他進了警局,告訴我這一直聽到的故事:
I asked him questions and then they started asking me I asked him questions and then they started asking me I asked him questions and then they started asking me questionsI asked him questions and then they started asking me I asked him questions and then they started asking me I asked him questions and then they started asking me I asked him questions and then they started asking me I asked him questions and then they started asking me questionsI asked him questions and then they started asking me I asked him questions and then they started asking me I asked him questions and then they started asking me I asked him questions and then they started asking me I asked him questions and then they started asking me questionsI asked him questions and then they started asking me I asked him questions and then they started asking me I asked him questions and then they started asking me .
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我問他題 ,然後們開始, and they basically detained him, was what he said and they basically detained him, was what he said and they basically detained him, was what he said and they basically detained him, was what he said and they basically detained him, was what he said and they basically detained him, was what he said and they basically detained him, was what he said and they basically detained him, was what he said . 基本上就是警察拘留了他 。
And then they wouldn't let me go, he said And then they wouldn't let me go, he said And then they wouldn't let me go, he said And then they wouldn't let me go, he said And then they wouldn't let me go, he said And then they wouldn't let me go, he said . 父親說:他們之後不讓我走 。 An d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was d then, you know, they, like, put him in a holding cell and then they had this like he said it was kangaroo court trial with all these people that were being detained kangaroo court trial with all these people that were being detained kangaroo court trial with all these people that were being detained kangaroo court trial with all these people that were being detained kangaroo court trial with all these people that were being detained kangaroo court trial with all these people that were being detainedkangaroo court trial with all these people that were being detained kangaroo court trial with all these people that were being detainedkangaroo court trial with all these people that were being detained kangaroo court trial with all these people that were being detainedkangaroo court trial with all these people that were being detained kangaroo court trial with all these people that were being detained kangaroo court trial with all these people that were being detained kangaroo court trial with all these people that were being detained kangaroo court trial with all these people that were being detained kangaroo court trial with all these people that were being detained kangaroo court trial with all these people that were being detained kangaroo court trial with all these people that were being detained kangaroo court trial with all these people that were being detained. 然後,他們就把困在牢房裡 ,然後,就是一輪不公平的審訊所有這些人都被拘留 。 And they're like, “ eight years for you”, And they're like, “ eight years for you”, And they're like, “ eight years for you”, And they're like, “ eight years for you”, And they're like, “ eight years for you”, And they're like, “ eight years for you”, And they're like, “ eight years for you”, And they're like, “ eight years for you”, And they're like, “ eight years for you”, two years for you” two years for you” two years for you” . 他們說:「你判八年」 、兩他們說:「你判八年」 、兩他們說:「你判八年」 、兩他們說:「你判八年」 、兩。 “six years for you” and it was just really random “six years for you” and it was just really random “six years for you” and it was just really random “six years for you” and it was just really random “six years for you” and it was just really random “six years for you” and it was just really random “six years for you” and it was just really random “six years for you” and it was just really random . 「你判六年」,很隨便的決 「你判六年」,很隨便的決 。 And he was asking somebody else And he was asking somebody else And he was asking somebody else And he was asking somebody else And he was asking somebody else And he was asking somebody else . 父親問了其他人 。
“How many years did you get? get?” “How many years did you get? get?” “How many years did you get? get?” “How many years did you get? get?” “How many years did you get? get?” “How many years did you get? get?” “How many years did you get? get?” “How many years did you get? get?” “How many years did you get? get?” “How many years did you get? get?” “How many years did you get? get?” “How many years did you get? get?” “How many years did you get? get?” 那你判多少年? The guy goes, "It doesn't matter. The guy goes, "It doesn't matter. The guy goes, "It doesn't matter. The guy goes, "It doesn't matter. The guy goes, "It doesn't matter. The guy goes, "It doesn't matter.The guy goes, "It doesn't matter. The guy goes, "It doesn't matter. The guy goes, "It doesn't matter. We're all gonna die.” We're all gonna die.” We're all gonna die.” We're all gonna die.” We're all gonna die.” We're all gonna die.” We're all gonna die.” We're all gonna die.” 那人說:沒關係啦,我們都會死 。 So like I've heard this story so many times So like I've heard this story so many times So like I've heard this story so many timesSo like I've heard this story so many times So like I've heard this story so many times So like I've heard this story so many times So like I've heard this story so many times So like I've heard this story so many times So like I've heard this story so many times So like I've heard this story so many times So like I've heard this story so many timesSo like I've heard this story so many times . 這故事我聽了 許多次。 so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong so he said it was because went in the police station to ask a question like really, you know, wrong place at the wrong time place at the wrong time place at the wrong time place at the wrong time place at the wrong time place at the wrong timeplace at the wrong time. 父親說是因為他去警局問了個題,事情真在錯誤 的地方與時間發生 。 And he went to the Gulag and stayed there for two years then said they were liberated And he went to the Gulag and stayed there for two years then said they were liberated And he went to the Gulag and stayed there for two years then said they were liberated And he went to the Gulag and stayed there for two years then said they were liberatedAnd he went to the Gulag and stayed there for two years then said they were liberated And he went to the Gulag and stayed there for two years then said they were liberated And he went to the Gulag and stayed there for two years then said they were liberated And he went to the Gulag and stayed there for two years then said they were liberated And he went to the Gulag and stayed there for two years then said they were liberated And he went to the Gulag and stayed there for two years then said they were liberated And he went to the Gulag and stayed there for two years then said they were liberated And he went to the Gulag and stayed there for two years then said they were liberated And he went to the Gulag and stayed there for two years then said they were liberated And he went to the Gulag and stayed there for two years then said they were liberated . 之後他去了 古拉格勞改營,待兩年然說們被釋放。 And you know , then he left and joined the Polish division of British Army then he left and joined the Polish division of British Army then he left and joined the Polish division of British Army then he left and joined the Polish division of British Army then he left and joined the Polish division of British Army then he left and joined the Polish division of British Army then he left and joined the Polish division of British Army then he left and joined the Polish division of British Army then he left and joined the Polish division of British Army then he left and joined the Polish division of British Army then he left and joined the Polish division of British Army then he left and joined the Polish division of British Army then he left and joined the Polish division of British Army then he left and joined the Polish division of British Armythen he left and then joined the Polish division of British Army then he left and joined the Polish division of British Army. 他離開後,加入了英國軍隊的波蘭分支 。
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So I knew th So I knew th So I knew th So I knew th at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on at after my father was released from the Gulag but before he got into army, on street street street. 我知道父親在古拉格獲釋後,並他加入軍隊之前街上流連 。 At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to At this point, he was about 20 years old and spent some time where like homeless used to have to go in, l have to go in, l have to go in, lhave to go in, l have to go in, l have to go in, l have to go in, like he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread ike he was a thief would have to like go into people's houses and try find some bread that he could eat or some coins something like that he could eat or some coins something like that he could eat or some coins something like that he could eat or some coins something like that he could eat or some coins something like that he could eat or some coins something like that he could eat or some coins something like thatthat he could eat or some coins something like that that he could eat or some coins something like thatthat he could eat or some coins something like that that he could eat or some coins something like that he could eat or some coins something like that he could eat or some coins something like . 那時他大約 20 歲,有一段時間他無家可歸 歲,有一段時間他無家可歸 歲,有一段時間他無家可歸 歲,有一段時間他無家可歸 歲,有一段時間他無家可歸 歲,有一段時間他無家可歸 歲,有一段時間他無家可歸 歲,有一段時間他無家可歸 歲,有一段時間他無家可歸 歲,有一段時間他無家可歸 歲,有一段時間他無家可歸 歲,有一段時間他無家可歸 ,他曾作小偷, 闖入別人的家不得進他曾作小偷, 闖入別人的家不得進他曾作小偷, 闖入別人的家不得進他曾作小偷, 闖入別人的家不得進他曾作小偷, 闖入別人的家不得進他曾作小偷, 闖入別人的家不得進他曾作小偷, 闖入別人的家不得進他曾作小偷, 闖入別人的家不得進他曾作小偷, 闖入別人的家不得進他曾作小偷, 闖入別人的家不得進他曾作小偷, 闖入別人的家不得進他曾作小偷, 闖入別人的家不得進他曾作小偷, 闖入別人的家不得進他曾作小偷, 闖入別人的家不得進他曾作小偷, 闖入別人的家不得進他曾作小偷, 闖入別人的家不得進他曾作小偷, 闖入別人的家不得進他曾作小偷, 闖入別人的家不得進他曾作小偷, 闖入別人的家不得進他曾作小偷, 闖入別人的家不得進他曾作小偷, 闖入別人的家不得進試圖找些麵包吃, 找硬幣或類似的東西 。 Even if it wasn't like he was going in there Even if it wasn't like he was going in there Even if it wasn't like he was going in there Even if it wasn't like he was going in thereEven if it wasn't like he was going in there Even if it wasn't like he was going in there Even if it wasn't like he was going in there Even if it wasn't like he was going in there Even if it wasn't like he was going in there Even if it wasn't like he was going in there Even if it wasn't like he was going in thereEven if it wasn't like he was going in there Even if it wasn't like he was going in there Even if it wasn't like he was going in there Even if it wasn't like he was going in there Even if it wasn't like he was going in there to steal stuff just for whatever, he was really trying survive to steal stuff just for whatever, he was really trying survive to steal stuff just for whatever, he was really trying survive to steal stuff just for whatever, he was really trying survive to steal stuff just for whatever, he was really trying survive to steal stuff just for whatever, he was really trying survive to steal stuff just for whatever, he was really trying survive to steal stuff just for whatever, he was really trying survive to steal stuff just for whatever, he was really trying survive to steal stuff just for whatever, he was really trying survive to steal stuff just for whatever, he was really trying survive to steal stuff just for whatever, he was really trying survive to steal stuff just for whatever, he was really trying survive to steal stuff just for whatever, he was really trying survive to steal stuff just for whatever, he was really trying survive to steal stuff just for whatever, he was really trying survive to steal stuff just for whatever, he was really trying survive to steal stuff just for whatever, he was really trying survive to steal stuff just for whatever, he was really trying survive to steal stuff just for whatever, he was really trying survive and it was the World War II, right? and it was the World War II, right? and it was the World War II, right? and it was the World War II, right? and it was the World War II, right?and it was the World War II, right? and it was the World War II, right? and it was the World War II, right?and it was the World War II, right? and it was the World War II, right? and it was the World War II, right? and it was the World War II, right? 即使他不是偷東西,也找方法生存這第二次世界大戰對吧? So I knew that he was doing this kind of stuff So I knew that he was doing this kind of stuff So I knew that he was doing this kind of stuff So I knew that he was doing this kind of stuff So I knew that he was doing this kind of stuff So I knew that he was doing this kind of stuff. 所以我知道他當時的情況 。 and I knew that like when they be selling bread, he likes t and I knew that like when they be selling bread, he likes t and I knew that like when they be selling bread, he likes t and I knew that like when they be selling bread, he likes tand I knew that like when they be selling bread, he likes t and I knew that like when they be selling bread, he likes t and I knew that like when they be selling bread, he likes t and I knew that like when they be selling bread, he likes t and I knew that like when they be selling bread, he likes t and I knew that like when they be selling bread, he likes t and I knew that like when they be selling bread, he likes t and I knew that like when they be selling bread, he likes t and I knew that like when they be selling bread, he likes t and I knew that like when they be selling bread, he likes t and I knew that like when they be selling bread, he likes t and I knew that like when they be selling bread, he likes t and I knew that like when they be selling bread, he likes tand I knew that like when they be selling bread, he likes t and I knew that like when they be selling bread, he likes t and I knew that like when they be selling bread, he likes t and I knew that like when they be selling bread, he likes to get his hand in and with one he pulled out o get his hand in and with one he pulled out o get his hand in and with one he pulled out o get his hand in and with one he pulled out o get his hand in and with one he pulled out o get his hand in and with one he pulled out o get his hand in and with one he pulled out o get his hand in and with one he pulled out o get his hand in and with one he pulled out o get his hand in and with one he pulled out o get his hand in and with one he pulled out o get his hand in and with one he pulled out o get his hand in and with one he pulled out o get his hand in and with one he pulled out o get his hand in and with one he pulled out o get his hand in and with one he pulled out o get his hand in and with one he pulled out o get his hand in and with one he pulled out o get his hand in and with one he pulled out o get his hand in and with one he pulled out o get his hand in and with one he pulled out o get his hand in and with one he pulled out bread and the other hand he pulled out money bread and the other hand he pulled out money bread and the other hand he pulled out money bread and the other hand he pulled out money bread and the other hand he pulled out money bread and the other hand he pulled out money bread and the other hand he pulled out money bread and the other hand he pulled out money bread and the other hand he pulled out money . 就像賣麵包一樣,他喜歡動手隻掏出另錢 。 And another time And another time And another time - he always told me that story he always told me that story he always told me that story he always told me that storyhe always told me that story he always told me that story. 另一次 —— 他總是告訴我這故事 。 Another time Another timeAnother time Another timeAnother time, he told me the story about stole a couple of he told me the story about stole a couple of he told me the story about stole a couple of he told me the story about stole a couple ofhe told me the story about he stole a couple of he told me the story about stole a couple of he told me the story about stole a couple of he told me the story about stole a couple ofhe told me the story about he stole a couple of he told me the story about stole a couple of he told me the story about stole a couple of he told me the story about stole a couple of he told me the story about stole a couple of he told me the story about stole a couple of he told me the story about stole a couple ofhe told me the story about he stole a couple ofhe told me the story about he stole a couple of like roast chickens and the cops came after like roast chickens and the cops came after like roast chickens and the cops came after like roast chickens and the cops came after like roast chickens and the cops came after like roast chickens and the cops came after like roast chickens and the cops came after like roast chickens and the cops came after like roast chickens and the cops came after like roast chickens and the cops came after like roast chickens and the cops came after like roast chickens and the cops came after like roast chickens and the cops came after like roast chickens and the cops came after like roast chickens and the cops came after like roast chickens and the cops came after like roast chickens and the cops came after him and he ran ended up… him and he ran ended up… him and he ran ended up… him and he ran ended up… him and he ran ended up… 有次他告訴我偷走了一些烤雞 ,警察跟著他走,跑掉最後 …… he jumped on a train with the chickens and was sitting back he jumped on a train with the chickens and was sitting back he jumped on a train with the chickens and was sitting back he jumped on a train with the chickens and was sitting backhe jumped on a train with the chickens and he was sitting back he jumped on a train with the chickens and was sitting back he jumped on a train with the chickens and was sitting back he jumped on a train with the chickens and was sitting back he jumped on a train with the chickens and was sitting back he jumped on a train with the chickens and was sitting back he jumped on a train with the chickens and was sitting back he jumped on a train with the chickens and was sitting back . 他帶著烤雞一起跳上火車,坐在後面 , and the cops were like…whatever, you know Russian and the cops were like…whatever, you know Russian and the cops were like…whatever, you know Russian and the cops were like…whatever, you know Russian and the cops were like…whatever, you know Russian and the cops were like…whatever, you know Russian and the cops were like…whatever, you know Russian and the cops were like…whatever, you know Russian and the cops were like…whatever, you know Russian and the cops were like…whatever, you know Russian and the cops were like…whatever, you know Russian . 警察就說 …… 甚麼都好,就是俄文吧 ! and he's just sitting on there like eating his chicken and he's just sitting on there like eating his chicken and he's just sitting on there like eating his chicken and he's just sitting on there like eating his chicken and he's just sitting on there like eating his chicken and he's just sitting on there like eating his chicken and he's just sitting on there like eating his chicken and he's just sitting on there like eating his chicken and he's just sitting on there like eating his chickenand he's just sitting on there like eating his chicken and he's just sitting on there like eating his chicken and he's just sitting on there like eating his chicken . 他只是坐在吃烤雞 。
And he ended up in a totally different place because got on that train And he ended up in a totally different place because got on that train And he ended up in a totally different place because got on that train And he ended up in a totally different place because got on that train And he ended up in a totally different place because got on that train And he ended up in a totally different place because got on that train And he ended up in a totally different place because got on that train . 他最終到了一個新地方,因為上那列火車 。
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So he told me all these stories So he told me all these stories So he told me all these stories So he told me all these stories So he told me all these stories So he told me all these stories So he told me all these stories . 他告訴我所有這些故事 。 But from what he had told me alwa But from what he had told me alwa But from what he had told me alwaBut from what he had told me alwa But from what he had told me alwa But from what he had told me alwa But from what he had told me alwaBut from what he had told me alwa But from what he had told me alwa But from what he had told me alwa But from what he had told me alwaBut from what he had told me alwa But from what he had told me alwa ys he ended up in the Gulag ys he ended up in the Gulag ys he ended up in the Gulag ys he ended up in the Gulag ys he ended up in the Gulag ys he ended up in the Gulag ys he ended up in the Gulag ys he ended up in the Gulag ys he ended up in the Gulag . because he went in that police station and because he went in that police station and because he went in that police station and because he went in that police station and because he went in that police station and because he went in that police station and because he went in that police station and because he went in that police station and because he went in that police station and because he went in that police station and because he went in that police station and because he went in that police station and because he went in that police station and because he went in that police station and because he went in that police station and because he went in that police station and asked a question asked a question asked a question asked a question . 根據他的敘述,最終去了古拉格因為警局問個題 。 So this night, at my friend's party So this night, at my friend's party So this night, at my friend's party So this night, at my friend's party So this night, at my friend's party So this night, at my friend's party So this night, at my friend's party So this night, at my friend's party . 而今晚在朋友聚會上 。 Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got arEric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got arEric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got arEric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got arEric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got arEric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got arEric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got arEric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got arEric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got arEric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar Eric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got arEric is telling me that my father was in a gang, like street gang and he got ar rested for selling illegal rested for selling illegal rested for selling illegal rested for selling illegal rested for selling illegal rested for selling illegal vodka and bagels vodka and bagels . Eric Eric告訴我,父親曾參與街頭幫派而他是因非法售賣伏特加及百吉餅被捕 告訴我,父親曾參與街頭幫派而他是因非法售賣伏特加及百吉餅被捕 。
and I was like no that's im... and I was like no that's im... and I was like no that's im...and I was like no that's im... and I was like no that's im... 而我則說不可能 ……
What are you talking about?What are you talking about? What are you talking about? What are you talking about? What are you talking about? What are you talking about?What are you talking about? What are you talking about? 你在說甚麼 ?
That's impossible That's impossible That's impossible That's impossible That's impossible. 這是不可能的 。
My father got arrested for going into the police station and they My father got arrested for going into the police station and they My father got arrested for going into the police station and they My father got arrested for going into the police station and they My father got arrested for going into the police station and they My father got arrested for going into the police station and theyMy father got arrested for going into the police station and they My father got arrested for going into the police station and they My father got arrested for going into the police station and they My father got arrested for going into the police station and they My father got arrested for going into the police station and they wouldn't let him go wouldn't let him gowouldn't let him go wouldn't let him gowouldn't let him go . 我父親被捕是由於他走 進警局,而們不讓。
And Eric is like arguing with me And Eric is like arguing with me And Eric is like arguing with me And Eric is like arguing with meAnd Eric is like arguing with me And Eric is like arguing with me And Eric is like arguing with me And Eric is like arguing with me. 但 Eric Eric卻是跟我爭論 卻是跟我爭論 。
So I'm thinking, well, yeah, like Eric's tipsy, right So I'm thinking, well, yeah, like Eric's tipsy, right So I'm thinking, well, yeah, like Eric's tipsy, right So I'm thinking, well, yeah, like Eric's tipsy, right So I'm thinking, well, yeah, like Eric's tipsy, right So I'm thinking, well, yeah, like Eric's tipsy, right So I'm thinking, well, yeah, like Eric's tipsy, right So I'm thinking, well, yeah, like Eric's tipsy, right So I'm thinking, well, yeah, like Eric's tipsy, right So I'm thinking, well, yeah, like Eric's tipsy, right So I'm thinking, well, yeah, like Eric's tipsy, right So I'm thinking, well, yeah, like Eric's tipsy, right So I'm thinking, well, yeah, like Eric's tipsy, right So I'm thinking, well, yeah, like Eric's tipsy, right . 所以我想, 算了Eric Eric喝醉了 。
And why is he arguing and arguing? And why is he arguing and arguing? And why is he arguing and arguing? And why is he arguing and arguing? And why is he arguing and arguing? 為何他在爭論不休?
It's my dad, I would know, right It's my dad, I would know, rightIt's my dad, I would know, right It's my dad, I would know, rightIt's my dad, I would know, right It's my dad, I would know, right It's my dad, I would know, right It's my dad, I would know, right . 這是我父親,自然 會知道,好嗎 ?
So I decided to finally just let it go, you know was like, oh, whatever I'm not gonna make big So I decided to finally just let it go, you know was like, oh, whatever I'm not gonna make big So I decided to finally just let it go, you know was like, oh, whatever I'm not gonna make big So I decided to finally just let it go, you know was like, oh, whatever I'm not gonna make big So I decided to finally just let it go, you know was like, oh, whatever I'm not gonna make big So I decided to finally just let it go, you know was like, oh, whatever I'm not gonna make big So I decided to finally just let it go, you know was like, oh, whatever I'm not gonna make bigSo I decided to finally just let it go, you know was like, oh, whatever I'm not gonna make big So I decided to finally just let it go, you know was like, oh, whatever I'm not gonna make big So I decided to finally just let it go, you know was like, oh, whatever I'm not gonna make bigSo I decided to finally just let it go, you know was like, oh, whatever I'm not gonna make big So I decided to finally just let it go, you know was like, oh, whatever I'm not gonna make bigSo I decided to finally just let it go, you know was like, oh, whatever I'm not gonna make big So I decided to finally just let it go, you know was like, oh, whatever I'm not gonna make big So I decided to finally just let it go, you know was like, oh, whatever I'm not gonna make big So I decided to finally just let it go, you know was like, oh, whatever I'm not gonna make big So I decided to finally just let it go, you know was like, oh, whatever I'm not gonna make big So I decided to finally just let it go, you know was like, oh, whatever I'm not gonna make big.
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我最後還是算了吧。覺得沒所謂,不打將事情弄大 。
I'm not gonna get into it with him I'm not gonna get into it with him I'm not gonna get into it with him I'm not gonna get into it with him I'm not gonna get into it with him I'm not gonna get into it with him I'm not gonna get into it with him. 我不打算與他深究 。
Let him think what he wants Let him think what he wantsLet him think what he wants Let him think what he wants . 讓他想怎樣 就。
I'm like, sure, Eric, my d I'm like, sure, Eric, my d I'm like, sure, Eric, my d I'm like, sure, Eric, my d I'm like, sure, Eric, my d I'm like, sure, Eric, my d ad was in a gang, whatever ad was in a gang, whatever ad was in a gang, whatever . 好, Eric Eric你說 我爸加入了幫派,隨怎樣你說 我爸加入了幫派,隨怎樣。
But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this But he was telling me my father selling illegal vodka and bagels had like this jacket jacket jacket. 但他卻告訴我,父親是非法售賣伏特加和百吉餅穿著這樣的外套 。
he was like, hey, you want some vodka? You know he was like, hey, you want some vodka? You know he was like, hey, you want some vodka? You know he was like, hey, you want some vodka? You know he was like, hey, you want some vodka? You know he was like, hey, you want some vodka? You knowhe was like, hey, you want some vodka? You know he was like, hey, you want some vodka? You know. 就像:嗨,要些伏特加嗎?
And then like, no, maybe bagel's more your style And then like, no, maybe bagel's more your styleAnd then like, no, maybe bagel's more your style And then like, no, maybe bagel's more your style And then like, no, maybe bagel's more your style And then like, no, maybe bagel's more your styleAnd then like, no, maybe bagel's more your style And then like, no, maybe bagel's more your styleAnd then like, no, maybe bagel's more your style And then like, no, maybe bagel's more your style And then like, no, maybe bagel's more your style And then like, no, maybe bagel's more your style . 然後說:不,也許百吉餅更適合你 。
I was wondering like illegal bagels? I was wondering like illegal bagels? I was wondering like illegal bagels? I was wondering like illegal bagels?I was wondering like illegal bagels? I was wondering like illegal bagels? I was wondering like illegal bagels? 我覺得很奇怪,非法百吉餅?
Why would it be illegal to sell bagels?Why would it be illegal to sell bagels? Why would it be illegal to sell bagels? Why would it be illegal to sell bagels? Why would it be illegal to sell bagels? Why would it be illegal to sell bagels? Why would it be illegal to sell bagels? Why would it be illegal to sell bagels? Why would it be illegal to sell bagels? Why would it be illegal to sell bagels? Why would it be illegal to sell bagels?Why would it be illegal to sell bagels? 為甚麼賣百吉餅是違法?
And why would you, I mean if you had something pricey like vodka And why would you, I mean if you had something pricey like vodka And why would you, I mean if you had something pricey like vodka And why would you, I mean if you had something pricey like vodkaAnd why would you, I mean if you had something pricey like vodka And why would you, I mean if you had something pricey like vodka And why would you, I mean if you had something pricey like vodkaAnd why would you, I mean if you had something pricey like vodka And why would you, I mean if you had something pricey like vodka And why would you, I mean if you had something pricey like vodka And why would you, I mean if you had something pricey like vodka And why would you, I mean if you had something pricey like vodka And why would you, I mean if you had something pricey like vodkaAnd why would you, I mean if you had something pricey like vodka . 還有, 在買昂貴的伏特加同時 。
why'd you get bagels too? why'd you get bagels too? why'd you get bagels too? why'd you get bagels too? why'd you get bagels too? why'd you get bagels too? why'd you get bagels too? 怎會有人選擇百吉餅?
And like in your coat and my dad was a hobo? And like in your coat and my dad was a hobo? And like in your coat and my dad was a hobo? And like in your coat and my dad was a hobo? And like in your coat and my dad was a hobo? And like in your coat and my dad was a hobo?And like in your coat and my dad was a hobo? And like in your coat and my dad was a hobo? And like in your coat and my dad was a hobo? And like in your coat and my dad was a hobo? And like in your coat and my dad was a hobo? 而且穿上那外套的爸又是流浪者?
So like can you imagine a hobo coming up to and he was like, hey man, want bagels? So like can you imagine a hobo coming up to and he was like, hey man, want bagels? So like can you imagine a hobo coming up to and he was like, hey man, want bagels? So like can you imagine a hobo coming up to and he was like, hey man, want bagels? So like can you imagine a hobo coming up to and he was like, hey man, want bagels? So like can you imagine a hobo coming up to and he was like, hey man, want bagels? So like can you imagine a hobo coming up to and he was like, hey man, want bagels? So like can you imagine a hobo coming up to and he was like, hey man, want bagels? So like can you imagine a hobo coming up to and he was like, hey man, want bagels? So like can you imagine a hobo coming up to and he was like, hey man, want bagels? So like can you imagine a hobo coming up to and he was like, hey man, want bagels? So like can you imagine a hobo coming up to and he was like, hey man, want bagels? 你能想像到一個流浪者走向,然後說:嗨朋友要百吉餅嗎?
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You are liYou are li You are li ke, woo, I don't think so I'll pass on that oneke, woo, I don't think so I'll pass on that one ke, woo, I don't think so I'll pass on that one ke, woo, I don't think so I'll pass on that oneke, woo, I don't think so I'll pass on that one ke, woo, I don't think so I'll pass on that one ke, woo, I don't think so I'll pass on that oneke, woo, I don't think so I'll pass on that one ke, woo, I don't think so I'll pass on that oneke, woo, I don't think so I'll pass on that one ke, woo, I don't think so I'll pass on that one ke, woo, I don't think so I'll pass on that one . 你會說:啊!不用了,我打算要 。
He's like, ooh! He pulls, goes and reaches into the back of his pants, like He's like, ooh! He pulls, goes and reaches into the back of his pants, like He's like, ooh! He pulls, goes and reaches into the back of his pants, like He's like, ooh! He pulls, goes and reaches into the back of his pants, like He's like, ooh! He pulls, goes and reaches into the back of his pants, like He's like, ooh! He pulls, goes and reaches into the back of his pants, like He's like, ooh! He pulls, goes and reaches into the back of his pants, like He's like, ooh! He pulls, goes and reaches into the back of his pants, like He's like, ooh! He pulls, goes and reaches into the back of his pants, likeHe's like, ooh! He pulls, goes and reaches into the back of his pants, like He's like, ooh! He pulls, goes and reaches into the back of his pants, like He's like, ooh! He pulls, goes and reaches into the back of his pants, like He's like, ooh! He pulls, goes and reaches into the back of his pants, like He's like, ooh! He pulls, goes and reaches into the back of his pants, like He's like, ooh! He pulls, goes and reaches into the back of his pants, like . 他會說:噢!然後伸手往褲子背面去 。
I’ve got some string cheese in here to go with them I’ve got some string cheese in here to go with them I’ve got some string cheese in here to go with them I’ve got some string cheese in here to go with them I’ve got some string cheese in here to go with them I’ve got some string cheese in here to go with them I’ve got some string cheese in here to go with them I’ve got some string cheese in here to go with them I’ve got some string cheese in here to go with them . 我這裡有芝士棒可一起食 。
I mean who sells bagel I mean who sells bagel I mean who sells bagel I mean who sells bagel s out of their coat? s out of their coat? s out of their coat? s out of their coat? 我意思誰會從外套拿出百吉餅來賣?
Like what kind of a hobo does that? Like what kind of a hobo does that? Like what kind of a hobo does that? Like what kind of a hobo does that? Like what kind of a hobo does that? Like what kind of a hobo does that? 哪個流浪者會這樣做?
Okay, the vodka, I get it It's like drugs, but bagels? Okay, the vodka, I get it It's like drugs, but bagels? Okay, the vodka, I get it It's like drugs, but bagels? Okay, the vodka, I get it It's like drugs, but bagels? Okay, the vodka, I get it It's like drugs, but bagels? Okay, the vodka, I get it It's like drugs, but bagels?Okay, the vodka, I get it It's like drugs, but bagels? Okay, the vodka, I get it It's like drugs, but bagels?Okay, the vodka, I get it It's like drugs, but bagels? Okay, the vodka, I get it It's like drugs, but bagels? Okay, the vodka, I get it It's like drugs, but bagels?Okay, the vodka, I get it It's like drugs, but bagels?Okay, the vodka, I get it It's like drugs, but bagels? Okay, the vodka, I get it It's like drugs, but bagels? Okay, the vodka, I get it It's like drugs, but bagels? 伏特加方面我還能理解,它就像毒品但百吉餅呢?
So , I think this is the most ridiculous story I've ever heard in my life I think this is the most ridiculous story I've ever heard in my life I think this is the most ridiculous story I've ever heard in my life I think this is the most ridiculous story I've ever heard in my life I think this is the most ridiculous story I've ever heard in my life I think this is the most ridiculous story I've ever heard in my life I think this is the most ridiculous story I've ever heard in my lifeI think this is the most ridiculous story I've ever heard in my life I think this is the most ridiculous story I've ever heard in my life I think this is the most ridiculous story I've ever heard in my life I think this is the most ridiculous story I've ever heard in my life I think this is the most ridiculous story I've ever heard in my life I think this is the most ridiculous story I've ever heard in my life I think this is the most ridiculous story I've ever heard in my life I think this is the most ridiculous story I've ever heard in my life I think this is the most ridiculous story I've ever heard in my life I think this is the most ridiculous story I've ever heard in my life I think this is the most ridiculous story I've ever heard in my lifeI think this is the most ridiculous story I've ever heard in my life I think this is the most ridiculous story I've ever heard in my life . 所以這是我聽過最荒謬的故事 。
Eric, you're so drunk, just stop, you know Eric, you're so drunk, just stop, you know Eric, you're so drunk, just stop, you know Eric, you're so drunk, just stop, you knowEric, you're so drunk, just stop, you know Eric, you're so drunk, just stop, you know Eric, you're so drunk, just stop, you know . Eric Eric你是這麼醉,那就閉嘴吧 你是這麼醉,那就閉嘴吧 !
But he's insisting this is true But he's insisting this is true But he's insisting this is true But he's insisting this is true But he's insisting this is trueBut he's insisting this is true . 但他卻堅持這是真實的 。
So I thought, well, there's an easy way to settle this So I thought, well, there's an easy way to settle this So I thought, well, there's an easy way to settle this So I thought, well, there's an easy way to settle this So I thought, well, there's an easy way to settle this So I thought, well, there's an easy way to settle this So I thought, well, there's an easy way to settle this So I thought, well, there's an easy way to settle this So I thought, well, there's an easy way to settle this . 所以我想出一個簡單的解決方法 ,
I'm gonna call my brother and find out I'm gonna call my brother and find out I'm gonna call my brother and find out I'm gonna call my brother and find out I'm gonna call my brother and find out I'm gonna call my brother and find out I'm gonna call my brother and find out I'm gonna call my brother and find outI'm gonna call my brother and I'm find outI'm gonna call my brother and I'm find out I'm gonna call my brother and find out . 我打算電話給哥去弄清楚 。
And my b And my bAnd my b rother's gonna be like Eric doesn't know what he's talking about rother's gonna be like Eric doesn't know what he's talking about rother's gonna be like Eric doesn't know what he's talking aboutrother's gonna be like Eric doesn't know what he's talking about rother's gonna be like Eric doesn't know what he's talking about rother's gonna be like Eric doesn't know what he's talking about rother's gonna be like Eric doesn't know what he's talking about rother's gonna be like Eric doesn't know what he's talking about rother's gonna be like Eric doesn't know what he's talking about rother's gonna be like Eric doesn't know what he's talking about rother's gonna be like Eric doesn't know what he's talking aboutrother's gonna be like Eric doesn't know what he's talking about . 我哥會說 Eric Eric不知道他胡說甚麼 不知道他胡說甚麼 。
Bagels and vodka, bagels in his pants Bagels and vodka, bagels in his pants Bagels and vodka, bagels in his pants Bagels and vodka, bagels in his pants Bagels and vodka, bagels in his pantsBagels and vodka, bagels in his pants . 百吉餅 和伏特加,褲子內的。
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Oh, yeah, I got one right here a twisty bread for you Oh, yeah, I got one right here a twisty bread for you Oh, yeah, I got one right here a twisty bread for you Oh, yeah, I got one right here a twisty bread for you Oh, yeah, I got one right here a twisty bread for you Oh, yeah, I got one right here a twisty bread for you . 好的,我這裡有一片彎曲麵包給你 。
So , anyway I finally ju anyway I finally ju anyway I finally ju st called my brother the next day st called my brother the next day st called my brother the next day st called my brother the next day st called my brother the next dayst called my brother the next day . 結果我翌日致電給哥 。
And I'm like, what's up with this? And I'm like, what's up with this? And I'm like, what's up with this? And I'm like, what's up with this? And I'm like, what's up with this? And I'm like, what's up with this? And I'm like, what's up with this? 我問他這是怎麼一回事?
You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a You know, I know papa's story really well and Eric is telling me that he didn't get arrested walking into a police station police station police station . 我很清楚爸的故事, Eric Eric卻跟我說他被捕不是因為走進警署 卻跟我說他被捕不是因為走進警署 ,
He got arrested and sent to the Gulag for selling illegal vodka bagels got arrested and sent to the Gulag for selling illegal vodka bagels got arrested and sent to the Gulag for selling illegal vodka bagels got arrested and sent to the Gulag for selling illegal vodka bagels got arrested and sent to the Gulag for selling illegal vodka bagels got arrested and sent to the Gulag for selling illegal vodka bagels got arrested and sent to the Gulag for selling illegal vodka bagels got arrested and sent to the Gulag for selling illegal vodka bagels got arrested and sent to the Gulag for selling illegal vodka bagels got arrested and sent to the Gulag for selling illegal vodka bagels got arrested and sent to the Gulag for selling illegal vodka bagels got arrested and sent to the Gulag for selling illegal vodka bagels got arrested and sent to the Gulag for selling illegal vodka bagels. 他被捕並送到勞改營,是因為非法售賣伏特加和百吉餅 。
and my brother's like, yeah, that's what happened and my brother's like, yeah, that's what happened and my brother's like, yeah, that's what happened and my brother's like, yeah, that's what happenedand my brother's like, yeah, that's what happened and my brother's like, yeah, that's what happened and my brother's like, yeah, that's what happened and my brother's like, yeah, that's what happened and my brother's like, yeah, that's what happened and my brother's like, yeah, that's what happened . 而我哥說:對,的確有此事 。
What? I mean, look, you know I've heard the story how many times in my lifeWhat? I mean, look, you know I've heard the story how many times in my life What? I mean, look, you know I've heard the story how many times in my lifeWhat? I mean, look, you know I've heard the story how many times in my life What? I mean, look, you know I've heard the story how many times in my life What? I mean, look, you know I've heard the story how many times in my life What? I mean, look, you know I've heard the story how many times in my life What? I mean, look, you know I've heard the story how many times in my life What? I mean, look, you know I've heard the story how many times in my life What? I mean, look, you know I've heard the story how many times in my life What? I mean, look, you know I've heard the story how many times in my lifeWhat? I mean, look, you know I've heard the story how many times in my life What? I mean, look, you know I've heard the story how many times in my life What? I mean, look, you know I've heard the story how many times in my life What? I mean, look, you know I've heard the story how many times in my life What? I mean, look, you know I've heard the story how many times in my lifeWhat? I mean, look, you know I've heard the story how many times in my life What? I mean, look, you know I've heard the story how many times in my life What? I mean, look, you know I've heard the story how many times in my lifeWhat? I mean, look, you know I've heard the story how many times in my life What? I mean, look, you know I've heard the story how many times in my life . 沒可能!你知道 …… 我一 生中聽了這個故事多少遍嗎?
and I'm like, whoa, what is, do you mean? and I'm like, whoa, what is, do you mean? and I'm like, whoa, what is, do you mean? and I'm like, whoa, what is, do you mean? and I'm like, whoa, what is, do you mean? and I'm like, whoa, what is, do you mean? and I'm like, whoa, what is, do you mean?and I'm like, whoa, what is, do you mean? 我反應是,你意思?
Yeah, that's what happenedYeah, that's what happened Yeah, that's what happened Yeah, that's what happened Yeah, that's what happened Yeah, that's what happened . 對,事情是那樣 。
And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street gangAnd Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street gangAnd Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street gangAnd Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street gangAnd Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street And Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street gangAnd Eric's telling me my papa was in a gang and he's like, yeah, he street before he got sent before he got sent before he got sent before he got sent before he got sent before he got sent before he got sent to the Gulag to the Gulag .
Eric Eric說爸當年曾 參與幫派,他:對說爸當年曾 參與幫派,他:對經參與街頭幫派 ,是被送到古拉格勞改營之前的事 。
That's really weird That's really weird That's really weird That's really weird That's really weird That's really weird. 那實在非常奇怪 。
He was on the street after being in Gulag He was on the street after being in Gulag He was on the street after being in Gulag He was on the street after being in Gulag He was on the street after being in Gulag He was on the street after being in Gulag He was on the street after being in Gulag He was on the street after being in GulagHe was on the street after being in Gulag . 他應該是從勞改營獲釋後流浪街頭的 。
That's what he told me, until got in the army That's what he told me, until got in the army That's what he told me, until got in the army That's what he told me, until got in the army That's what he told me, until got in the army That's what he told me, until got in the army That's what he told me, until got in the army That's what he told me, until got in the army.
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這是父親告訴我的,之後才加入軍隊 。
and my brother's like, no, he was in a gang like just conf and my brother's like, no, he was in a gang like just conf and my brother's like, no, he was in a gang like just conf and my brother's like, no, he was in a gang like just confand my brother's like, no, he was in a gang and like just conf and my brother's like, no, he was in a gang like just conf and my brother's like, no, he was in a gang like just conf and my brother's like, no, he was in a gang like just conf and my brother's like, no, he was in a gang like just conf and my brother's like, no, he was in a gang like just conf and my brother's like, no, he was in a gang like just conf and my brother's like, no, he was in a gang like just conf and my brother's like, no, he was in a gang like just conf irmed the whole story irmed the whole storyirmed the whole story irmed the whole story irmed the whole story . 但我哥卻說:不,他參與了幫派 。他竟然確認整個版本 。
so that is absolutely bizarre so that is absolutely bizarre so that is absolutely bizarre so that is absolutely bizarreso that is absolutely bizarre so that is absolutely bizarreso that is absolutely bizarreso that is absolutely bizarre so that is absolutely bizarre. 這絕對是奇怪 。
because my father told me like he went over to Bia because my father told me like he went over to Bia because my father told me like he went over to Biabecause my father told me like he went over to Bia because my father told me like he went over to Bia because my father told me like he went over to Bia because my father told me like he went over to Bia because my father told me like he went over to Biabecause my father told me like he went over to Biabecause my father told me like he went over to Biabecause my father told me like he went over to Bia because my father told me like he went over to Bia because my father told me like he went over to Bia because my father told me like he went over to Bia because my father told me like he went over to Bia because my father told me like he went over to Biabecause my father told me like he went over to Bia because my father told me like he went over to Bia łystok, he was staying with relatives and like, ystok, he was staying with relatives and like, ystok, he was staying with relatives and like, ystok, he was staying with relatives and like, ystok, he was staying with relatives and like, ystok, he was staying with relatives and like, ystok, he was staying with relatives and like, ystok, he was staying with relatives and like, ystok, he was staying with relatives and like, ystok, he was staying with relatives and like, ystok, he was staying with relatives and like, ystok, he was staying with relatives and like, ystok, he was staying with relatives and like, ystok, he was staying with relatives and like, ystok, he was staying with relatives and like, you know, going people's door like do need wood chopped you know, going people's door like do need wood chopped you know, going people's door like do need wood chopped you know, going people's door like do need wood chopped you know, going people's door like do need wood chopped you know, going people's door like do need wood chopped you know, going people's door like do need wood chopped you know, going people's door like do need wood chopped you know, going people's door like do need wood chopped you know, going people's door like do need wood chopped you know, going people's door like do need wood chopped you know, going people's door like do need wood chopped you know, going people's door like do need wood chopped you know, going people's door like do need wood chopped you know, going people's door like do need wood chopped you know, going people's door like do need wood chopped you know, going people's door like do need wood chopped or whatever and then he just went to the or whatever and then he just went to the or whatever and then he just went to the or whatever and then he just went to the or whatever and then he just went to the or whatever and then he just went to the or whatever and then he just went to the or whatever and then he just went to the or whatever and then he just went to the or whatever and then he just went to the or whatever and then he just went to the or whatever and then he just went to the or whatever and then he just went to the police station that day police station that day police station that day police station that day . 因為父親曾告訴我,他去了 因為父親曾告訴我,他去了 因為父親曾告訴我,他去了 Bia łystok 投靠親戚, 在那裡逐家戶敲門問人是否需要砍木或其它之後投靠親戚, 在那裡逐家戶敲門問人是否需要砍木或其它之後投靠親戚, 在那裡逐家戶敲門問人是否需要砍木或其它之後投靠親戚, 在那裡逐家戶敲門問人是否需要砍木或其它之後某天他去了警局 。
and like I remember everything that he told me and like I remember everything that he told me and like I remember everything that he told meand like I remember everything that he told me and like I remember everything that he told me and like I remember everything that he told meand like I remember everything that he told meand like I remember everything that he told meand like I remember everything that he told meand like I remember everything that he told me and like I remember everything that he told meand like I remember everything that he told me and like I remember everything that he told me and like I remember everything that he told me and like I remember everything that he told me and like I remember everything that he told me and like I remember everything that he told meand like I remember everything that he told me, because you know how parents are like, especially your old because you know how parents are like, especially your old because you know how parents are like, especially your old because you know how parents are like, especially your old because you know how parents are like, especially your old because you know how parents are like, especially your old because you know how parents are like, especially your old because you know how parents are like, especially your old because you know how parents are like, especially your old because you know how parents are like, especially your old because you know how parents are like, especially your old because you know how parents are like, especially your old because you know how parents are like, especially your old because you know how parents are like, especially your old dad like repeat the same dad like repeat the same dad like repeat the same dad like repeat the samedad like repeat the same dad like repeat the same story a million times story a million times story a million times story a million times story a million timesstory a million times . 我清楚記得他告訴的一切,因為父母尤其老爸都喜愛複述同個故事 。
I'm like, yeah, I know I'm like, yeah, I know I'm like, yeah, I know I'm like, yeah, I know . 我反應是:知道了 。
They said, doesn't matter how long you got, we’re all going to die They said, doesn't matter how long you got, we’re all going to die They said, doesn't matter how long you got, we’re all going to die They said, doesn't matter how long you got, we’re all going to die They said, doesn't matter how long you got, we’re all going to die They said, doesn't matter how long you got, we’re all going to die They said, doesn't matter how long you got, we’re all going to die They said, doesn't matter how long you got, we’re all going to die They said, doesn't matter how long you got, we’re all going to die They said, doesn't matter how long you got, we’re all going to die They said, doesn't matter how long you got, we’re all going to die They said, doesn't matter how long you got, we’re all going to die They said, doesn't matter how long you got, we’re all going to die They said, doesn't matter how long you got, we’re all going to die They said, doesn't matter how long you got, we’re all going to die They said, doesn't matter how long you got, we’re all going to die They said, doesn't matter how long you got, we’re all going to die They said, doesn't matter how long you got, we’re all going to die like I heard that so many times and like I heard that so many times and like I heard that so many times and like I heard that so many times and like I heard that so many times and like I heard that so many times and like I heard that so many times and like I heard that so many times and like I heard that so many times and like I heard that so many times and like I heard that so many times and like I heard that so many times and like I heard that so many times and like I heard that so many times and like I heard that so many times and like I heard that so many times and he never told me anything about being in a gang or se he never told me anything about being in a gang or sehe never told me anything about being in a gang or se he never told me anything about being in a gang or sehe never told me anything about being in a gang or se he never told me anything about being in a gang or se he never told me anything about being in a gang or se he never told me anything about being in a gang or se he never told me anything about being in a gang or se he never told me anything about being in a gang or se he never told me anything about being in a gang or se he never told me anything about being in a gang or selling vodka or nothing lling vodka or nothing lling vodka or nothing . 他們會說:無論你有多長命,總離世的一天 ,我聽過無數次 ,而他從未談過幫派和售賣伏特加的 而他從未談過幫派和售賣伏特加的 而他從未談過幫派和售賣伏特加的 而他從未談過幫派和售賣伏特加的 事情 。
you know, I'm saying like this is really weird you know, I'm saying like this is really weird you know, I'm saying like this is really weird you know, I'm saying like this is really weird you know, I'm saying like this is really weird you know, I'm saying like this is really weird you know, I'm saying like this is really weird you know, I'm saying like this is really weird. That's my dad's story that That's my dad's story that That's my dad's story thatThat's my dad's story that That's my dad's story thatThat's my dad's story that That's my dad's story that That's my dad's story that That's my dad's story that . 那真的非常奇怪,我父親故事 。
I like my whole life heard him telling the story and now all of a sudden it's changed I like my whole life heard him telling the story and now all of a sudden it's changed I like my whole life heard him telling the story and now all of a sudden it's changed I like my whole life heard him telling the story and now all of a sudden it's changed I like my whole life heard him telling the story and now all of a sudden it's changed I like my whole life heard him telling the story and now all of a sudden it's changedI like my whole life I heard him telling the story and now all of a sudden it's changed I like my whole life heard him telling the story and now all of a sudden it's changedI like my whole life I heard him telling the story and now all of a sudden it's changed I like my whole life heard him telling the story and now all of a sudden it's changed I like my whole life heard him telling the story and now all of a sudden it's changedI like my whole life I heard him telling the story and now all of a sudden it's changed I like my whole life heard him telling the story and now all of a sudden it's changed I like my whole life heard him telling the story and now all of a sudden it's changed I like my whole life heard him telling the story and now all of a sudden it's changed I like my whole life heard him telling the story and now all of a sudden it's changed I like my whole life heard him telling the story and now all of a sudden it's changed I like my whole life heard him telling the story and now all of a sudden it's changedI like my whole life I heard him telling the story and now all of a sudden it's changed I like my whole life heard him telling the story and now all of a sudden it's changed .
我這 輩子聽過他說無數遍,而現在全都突然改變了 。
And also the part about him wearing star or armband And also the part about him wearing star or armband And also the part about him wearing star or armband And also the part about him wearing star or armband And also the part about him wearing star or armband And also the part about him wearing star or armbandAnd also the part about him wearing star or armband And also the part about him wearing star or armband And also the part about him wearing star or armband And also the part about him wearing star or armband And also the part about him wearing star or armbandAnd also the part about him wearing star or armband And also the part about him wearing star or armbandAnd also the part about him wearing star or armband And also the part about him wearing star or armbandAnd also the part about him wearing star or armband . 還有他配戴黃旦或袖標的事情 。
You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the You know he made a point of telling me always about how left because they were announcing that in the newspaper and he never wore it newspaper and he never wore it newspaper and he never wore it newspaper and he never wore it newspaper and he never wore it newspaper and he never wore it. 每次說起他逃走的經歷,都會談到當時報 章報道了有關規定,但他從未戴上 。
20170702 www.ziondaily.com
If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore itIf he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore itIf he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore itIf he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore itIf he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore itIf he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore itIf he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore itIf he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore If he'd had it on, he wouldn't have been able to just walk through the town out never wore and now apparently, according to Eric and my brother, he did wear it now apparently, according to Eric and my brother, he did wear it now apparently, according to Eric and my brother, he did wear it now apparently, according to Eric and my brother, he did wear it now apparently, according to Eric and my brother, he did wear it now apparently, according to Eric and my brother, he did wear it now apparently, according to Eric and my brother, he did wear it now apparently, according to Eric and my brother, he did wear itnow apparently, according to Eric and my brother, he did wear it now apparently, according to Eric and my brother, he did wear it now apparently, according to Eric and my brother, he did wear it now apparently, according to Eric and my brother, he did wear it now apparently, according to Eric and my brother, he did wear it now apparently, according to Eric and my brother, he did wear it. This is very strange This is very strange This is very strange.
如果他戴上 了,就沒法直接離開城鎮但從未,但現在按 Eric Eric及哥所講, 他戴上了及哥所講, 他戴上了這 實在非常奇怪 。
Also, the story of his liberation was weird Also, the story of his liberation was weird Also, the story of his liberation was weirdAlso, the story of his liberation was weird Also, the story of his liberation was weird Also, the story of his liberation was weirdAlso, the story of his liberation was weird Also, the story of his liberation was weird. 另外他被解放的故事同樣奇怪 。
There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberatedThere was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberatedThere was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberatedThere was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated There was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberatedThere was a treaty that decided all the Poles in Gulag would be liberated , so that they could then so that they could then so that they could then so that they could then so that they could then so that they could then so that they could then join the Polish army join the Polish army join the Polish army join the Polish armyjoin the Polish army. 當時有一個條約,決定解放所在勞改營的波蘭人他們隨後能加入軍隊 。
Eric that night wa Eric that night wa Eric that night wa Eric that night wa Eric that night waEric that night wa Eric that night wa Eric that night wa s telling me that s telling me that s telling me that s telling me that s telling me thats telling me that s telling me that , a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have a couple of guys actually went to the Gulag and told them you have choice choice, you can stay here or come and join the army you can stay here or come and join the army you can stay here or come and join the army you can stay here or come and join the army you can stay here or come and join the army you can stay here or come and join the army you can stay here or come and join the army you can stay here or come and join the army you can stay here or come and join the army you can stay here or come and join the armyyou can stay here or you come and join the army you can stay here or come and join the army you can stay here or come and join the armyyou can stay here or you come and join the army you can stay here or come and join the army you can stay here or come and join the army you can stay here or come and join the army, like as in right away go straight to the army like as in right away go straight to the army like as in right away go straight to the army like as in right away go straight to the army like as in right away go straight to the army like as in right away go straight to the army like as in right away go straight to the army like as in right away go straight to the army like as in right away go straight to the army like as in right away go straight to the army like as in right away go straight to the army like as in right away go straight to the army like as in right away go straight to the army like as in right away go straight to the army and that my father went with them and that my father went with them and that my father went with them and that my father went with them and that my father went with them and that my father went with them .
那晚 Eric Eric告訴我,有些人在勞改營裡面的可以選擇 留下或加入軍隊,他們可以直接伍而父 親就跟著他們去了 。
but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried but the story he had always told me was that they were liberated and just let out then tried to get into the army and it took a while to get into the army and it took a whileto get into the army and it took a while to get into the army and it took a while to get into the army and it took a while to get into the army and it took a whileto get into the army and it took a while to get into the army and it took a while to get into the army and it took a while to get into the army and it took a while .
但父親一直告訴我,他們是先被解放的就獲釋後嘗試了段時間才能入伍 。
Well he actually told meWell he actually told me Well he actually told meWell he actually told me Well he actually told me Well he actually told me Well he actually told me Well he actually told me Well he actually told me Well he actually told me Well he actually told meWell he actually told me because he was with a couple of Jewish guys and every time they would realize he was with a couple of Jewish guys and every time they would realize he was with a couple of Jewish guys and every time they would realize he was with a couple of Jewish guys and every time they would realize he was with a couple of Jewish guys and every time they would realize he was with a couple of Jewish guys and every time they would realize he was with a couple of Jewish guys and every time they would realize he was with a couple of Jewish guys and every time they would realize he was with a couple of Jewish guys and every time they would realize he was with a couple of Jewish guys and every time they would realize he was with a couple of Jewish guys and every time they would realize he was with a couple of Jewish guys and every time they would realize he was with a couple of Jewish guys and every time they would realize he was with a couple of Jewish guys and every time they would realize he was with a couple of Jewish guys and every time they would realize he was with a couple of Jewish guys and every time they would realize he was with a couple of Jewish guys and every time they would realize they were Jewish wouldn't let any of them sign up they were Jewish wouldn't let any of them sign up they were Jewish wouldn't let any of them sign upthey were Jewish they wouldn't let any of them sign up they were Jewish wouldn't let any of them sign up they were Jewish wouldn't let any of them sign up they were Jewish wouldn't let any of them sign up they were Jewish wouldn't let any of them sign up they were Jewish wouldn't let any of them sign up they were Jewish wouldn't let any of them sign up .
這確實是他告訴我的 ,因為當時他與幾位猶太人一起,每發現們中有就被禁止 因為當時他與幾位猶太人一起,每發現們中有就被禁止 因為當時他與幾位猶太人一起,每發現們中有就被禁止 因為當時他與幾位猶太人一起,每發現們中有就被禁止 登記入伍 。
so he ditched those guys so he ditched those guys so he ditched those guys so he ditched those guys , because like our last name is not Jewish and I s because like our last name is not Jewish and I s because like our last name is not Jewish and I s because like our last name is not Jewish and I sbecause like our last name is not Jewish and I s because like our last name is not Jewish and I s because like our last name is not Jewish and I sbecause like our last name is not Jewish and I s because like our last name is not Jewish and I s because like our last name is not Jewish and I s because like our last name is not Jewish and I s because like our last name is not Jewish and I sbecause like our last name is not Jewish and I s because like our last name is not Jewish and I s aid he didn't look Jewish aid he didn't look Jewish aid he didn't look Jewish aid he didn't look Jewish aid he didn't look Jewish. 因此父親離棄了他們 ,因為我們沒有猶太姓氏 ,亦如我所講,他外表不像猶太人 。
so he finally ditched those Jewish guys so he finally ditched those Jewish guys so he finally ditched those Jewish guys so he finally ditched those Jewish guys so he finally ditched those Jewish guys so he finally ditched those Jewish guys so he finally ditched those Jewish guys so he finally ditched those Jewish guys so he finally ditched those Jewish guys who look Jewish, had Jewish names and went signed up by who look Jewish, had Jewish names and went signed up by who look Jewish, had Jewish names and went signed up by who look Jewish, had Jewish names and went signed up by who look Jewish, had Jewish names and went signed up by who look Jewish, had Jewish names and went signed up by who look Jewish, had Jewish names and went signed up by who look Jewish, had Jewish names and went signed up by who look Jewish, had Jewish names and went signed up by who look Jewish, had Jewish names and went signed up by who look Jewish, had Jewish names and went signed up by who look Jewish, had Jewish names and went signed up by who look Jewish, had Jewish names and went signed up by himself and that's how he got in the army himself and that's how he got in the army himself and that's how he got in the army himself and that's how he got in the army himself and that's how he got in the armyhimself and that's how he got in the army himself and that's how he got in the army himself and that's how he got in the army himself and that's how he got in the army. 所以最後他離棄了那些猶太人 ,他們有著猶太人外貌和姓氏 ,父親就登記入伍 ,這就是他加入軍隊 這就是他加入軍隊 這就是他加入軍隊 這就是他加入軍隊 這就是他加入軍隊 這就是他加入軍隊 這就是他加入軍隊 這就是他加入軍隊 的過程 。
but it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting army but it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting army but it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting army but it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting army but it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting army but it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting army but it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting army but it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting armybut it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting armybut it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting army but it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting army but it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting army but it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting army but it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting army but it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting armybut it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting army but it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting army but it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting armybut it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting army but it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting armybut it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting army but it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting army but it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting army but it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting army but it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting army but it was like in the interim between being released from Gulag and getting army that's when he that's when he that's when he that's when he that's when he was on the street and like sneaking around stealing things was on the street and like sneaking around stealing thingswas on the street and like sneaking around stealing things was on the street and like sneaking around stealing things was on the street and like sneaking around stealing thingswas on the street and like sneaking around stealing things was on the street and like sneaking around stealing things . 而他在獲釋至入伍之間這段空檔 ,他應該是流浪街頭四處漂泊和偷竊 。
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whereas in this version of the story whereas in this version of the storywhereas in this version of the story whereas in this version of the storywhereas in this version of the story whereas in this version of the story whereas in this version of the story whereas in this version of the story whereas in this version of the story whereas in this version of the story whereas in this version of the story, he was already i he was already i he was already i he was already i he was already involved in like a gang before and then that's why he nvolved in like a gang before and then that's why he nvolved in like a gang before and then that's why he nvolved in like a gang before and then that's why he nvolved in like a gang before and then that's why he nvolved in like a gang before and then that's why he nvolved in like a gang before and then that's why he nvolved in like a gang before and then that's why he nvolved in like a gang before and then that's why he nvolved in like a gang before and then that's why he nvolved in like a gang before and then that's why he nvolved in like a gang before and then that's why he nvolved in like a gang before and then that's why he nvolved in like a gang before and then that's why he nvolved in like a gang before and then that's why he got sent to the Gulag got sent to the Gulag got sent to the Gulag . 但在這個新版本 ,他參與了幫派 ,並且因此被送到古拉格勞改營 ,
so I mean everything is just totally switched around so I mean everything is just totally switched around so I mean everything is just totally switched around so I mean everything is just totally switched around so I mean everything is just totally switched aroundso I mean everything is just totally switched around so I mean everything is just totally switched around so I mean everything is just totally switched around so I mean everything is just totally switched around so I mean everything is just totally switched around so I mean everything is just totally switched around so I mean everything is just totally switched around so I mean everything is just totally switched around so I mean everything is just totally switched around . 所以我認為一切都顛倒了 。
and wearing the armband then like and wearing the armband then like and wearing the armband then like and wearing the armband then likeand wearing the armband and then like and wearing the armband then like and wearing the armband then like and wearing the armband then like and wearing the armband then like and wearing the armband then like being liberated to go directly the army being liberated to go directly the army being liberated to go directly the army being liberated to go directly the army being liberated to go directly the army being liberated to go directly the army being liberated to go directly the army being liberated to go directly the army being liberated to go directly the army being liberated to go directly the army being liberated to go directly the army being liberated to go directly the army being liberated to go directly the army being liberated to go directly the army being liberated to go directly the army being liberated to go directly the army being liberated to go directly the army being liberated to go directly the army like the whole timeline is like the whole timeline is like the whole timeline is like the whole timeline is like the whole timeline is like the whole timeline is like the whole timeline is like the whole timeline is like the whole timeline is changed . 例如他願意帶上袖標 ,直接在解放後參與軍隊 ,就像整個時空都改變了 。
so like there's only two possibilities so like there's only two possibilities so like there's only two possibilities so like there's only two possibilities so like there's only two possibilities so like there's only two possibilities so like there's only two possibilities so like there's only two possibilities . 這只有兩個可能性 。
either my dad didn't tell me the story either my dad didn't tell me the story either my dad didn't tell me the story either my dad didn't tell me the storyeither my dad didn't tell me the storyeither my dad didn't tell me the storyeither my dad didn't tell me the story either my dad didn't tell me the story either my dad didn't tell me the story either my dad didn't tell me the story either my dad didn't tell me the story either my dad didn't tell me the storyeither my dad didn't tell me the storyeither my dad didn't tell me the storyeither my dad didn't tell me the story either my dad didn't tell me the story either my dad didn't tell me the story which I really doubt which I really doubt which I really doubt which I really doubt which I really doubt which I really doubt , because he did tell me, told me a lot of thingsbecause he did tell me, told me a lot of things because he did tell me, told me a lot of things because he did tell me, told me a lot of things because he did tell me, told me a lot of things because he did tell me, told me a lot of things because he did tell me, told me a lot of things because he did tell me, told me a lot of things because he did tell me, told me a lot of thingsbecause he did tell me, told me a lot of things because he did tell me, told me a lot of things because he did tell me, told me a lot of things because he did tell me, told me a lot of thingsbecause he did tell me, told me a lot of things because he did tell me, told me a lot of things because he did tell me, told me a lot of things because he did tell me, told me a lot of thingsbecause he did tell me, told me a lot of things because he did tell me, told me a lot of things because he did tell me, told me a lot of things , because I asked him about because I asked him about because I asked him about because I asked him aboutbecause I asked him about because I asked him about because I asked him about a lot of things a lot of things a lot of things . 就是父親沒有告訴我 ,但我對此非常懷疑 ,因為他的確告訴過我很多東西
而也問but either he… for some reason he didn't tell me but either he… for some reason he didn't tell me but either he… for some reason he didn't tell me but either he… for some reason he didn't tell me but either he… for some reason he didn't tell me but either he… for some reason he didn't tell me but either he… for some reason he didn't tell me but either he… for some reason he didn't tell me but either he… for some reason he didn't tell me but either he… for some reason he didn't tell me but either he… for some reason he didn't tell me but either he… for some reason he didn't tell me but either he… for some reason he didn't tell me but either he… for some reason he didn't tell me or it's the Mandela Effect or it's the Mandela Effect or it's the Mandela Effect or it's the Mandela Effect or it's the Mandela Effect or it's the Mandela Effect or it's the Mandela Effect .
可能因著某些原沒有告訴我 ,要不就是 「曼德拉效應」 。
以上例子,我們看見 Sonia 得知自己父親, 在第二次世界大戰時的艱苦和悲慘經歷得知自己父親,
在第二次世界大戰時的艱苦和悲慘經歷因「曼德拉效應」 而出現重大轉變。因為第二次世界戰的整場役,
已經因為各種地貌和人事 的「曼德拉效應」 ,
下一篇主日信息,我們會為大家分享個已經發生在錫安教的 「曼德拉效應」 ,
同樣是因為二戰的 「曼德拉效應」 ,令自己父親的二戰經歷出現了改變敬請密切留意!
同時,大家亦可以留意自己上一代的人歷史會否樣出現 「曼德拉效應」 ,

Ref: 錫安日報 2012 榮耀盼望 vol. 386 (20170702):

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