The Berenstein Bears,一套於美國非常著名的兒童圖書。
Berenstein Bears,由 Stan 及 Jan Berenstein 所創作,
由 1962 年開始,出版第一本兒童圖書,至今已超過 50 年。
直至現在,已經以 23 種不同語言,出版超過 300 冊的不同兒童圖書,
賣出超過 2 億 6 千萬本。除了圖書外,亦出版了卡通動畫。
Berenstein Bears 是很多人的童年回憶,
它的讀物亦是很多人的收藏之一。 甚至在無數個晚上,
但不知何時開始,Berenstein Bears 的所有資訊、珍藏書本,
甚至互聯網, 都不再是 Berenstein Bears 這個名字,
突然變了 Berenstain Bears, 由「stein」s-t-e-i-n,
變為「stain」s-t-a-i-n。 這實在是一件十分奇怪,令人難以理解的事情。 甚至連官方網站,也變成了 Berenstain Bears。
如果你於 YouTube 網站,輸入“Berestein Bears”搜尋,
你會發現,很多片段的名稱是“Berestein Bears”,
s-t-e-i-n 但內容卻是“Berestain Bears”,s-t-a-i-n。
明明 Berenstein Bears 的英文串法就是 stein,而不是 stain,
YouTube 片段: Now moving on, many of you may be aware of the Berenstein Bears paradox the Berenstein Bears phenomenon,
Mandela, ripple effect etc.
接著就是許多人關注的 Berenstein Bears 爭論,
就是 Berenstein Bears 現象、曼德拉、漣漪效應等等。
this whole thing that is absolutely incredible, because you know either 99% of the people who notice that something's going on there with the name change of the Berenstein Bears are delusional or suffering mass amnesia or delusion.
因為 99%留意到 Berenstein Bears 改名的人,若非產生了錯覺、
患了集體 失憶或妄想症,
you know, or something has happened. When I say something has happened I mean with our reality something is really going on guys.
In my opinion, the Berenstein Bears phenomenon, okay,
this whole thing is very, very solid evidence to show you that something really strange is going on.
在我看來,Berenstein Bears 事件,是為極之實質的證據,
and to me that is, this whole thing is solid evidence it's just truly bizarre. 在我而言,整件事情本身就是證據,那真的非常怪異
You could do, you can just search online and everybody remembers the Berenstein Bears
無論你怎樣網上搜尋,所有人都只會記得 Berenstein Bears。
Everybody remembers Berenstein, okay, E-I, not stain,
A-I-N like you stained your shirt.
所有人記憶中的 Berenstein 都是寫作 E-I 而不是 A-I-N,
stain 就是染污了衣服的意思。
Give me a break - it's nonsense.
So, of course the most prominent theory out there is that it has something to do with time and space being manipulated,
being messed around with.
I mean what other explanation is there.
If you are old enough, chances are you remember these guys. Chances are also good that you remember them as the Berenstein Bears.
也很可能你記得牠們稱為 Berenstein Bears.
What if I told you this wasn't true?
What if I told you that they were called the Berenstain Bears?
牠們稱為 Berenstain Bears?
How is it possible that we all remember them as the Berenstein Bears? 怎麼可能我們都記得牠們是 Berenstein Bears?
They have never had a name change.
You can check this out for yourself by searching eBay or YouTube.
It's not possible to find the books with the Berenstein spelling.
你可以搜索 eBay 或 YouTube 去查證,
沒有可能找到 Berenstein 這拼法的圖書。
Could it be that we're all suffering from some mass delusion or could it be that this is some evidence of a time split in our lifetime?
Perhaps we are living in our own parallel universe.
How do you remember the title of the books?
Do you ever recall it being the Berenstain Bears?
你記得它稱為 Berenstain Bears 嗎?
Leave a comment below with your answer.
甚至,有人發現,歷史被修改、被改變的時間,應該大約是 2001 年。
YouTube 片段:
It says the books play such a huge role in the collective memories of,
so many people all of whom clearly and distinctly remember Berenstein that he’s not the first to propose a notion that, somehow at sometime in the last 10 years or so reality has been tampered with and history has been retroactively changed.
所有人都清晰明確記得 Berenstein,他不是首個提出此觀點的人,
That's the point of this, is that the history has been changed.
It's not like this say history is written in a book and its past is the past and it is what it is.
How’d I think that’s necessarily true?
I think that some things go back and change other things.
And so I used the Internet archive in February 17,
2001 was the first snapshot they took of this website,
And it says the Berenstein Bears.
我用網站 的互聯網檔案分析,2001 年 2 月 17 日,
這是網頁的首張截圖,裡面寫的是 Berenstein Bears。
Alright, so we’re gonna scroll forward and see if we can see if and when it changed.
Right, so this was February 17, 2001. 這是 2001 年 2 月 17 日,
The next one here April 7, 2001, also Berenstein Bears.
下一張是 2001 年 4 月 7 日,同樣是 Berenstein Bears。
Alright, April 7, 2001, so...go forward to the next one.
好,2001 年 4 月 7 日,再下一張截圖。
Ah ha! Berenstain Bears! August 5, 2001.
啊哈!Berenstain Bears!2001 年 8 月 5 日。
Alright, so sometime between April and August.
好,換言之是 4 月至 8 月其間,
August 5 just happens to be my mother’s birthday - weird coincidence, just weird coincidence.
8 月 5 日碰巧是我母親的生日,多奇怪的巧合。
But, there it is, it changed,
Now I suppose it’s possible that whoever runs this website you know, back sometime between April and August might have been like:
Oh crap! We misspelled that name, let’s go and change it!
我想,這網站的網主可能在 4 月至 8 月其間時會發現。
But, as you can see here they didn't change the URL It's still the same URL! They just changed the name and stuff in the text plus there's more on the website here.
他們只是改寫了名字,在文字上修改,並改寫 網頁上其他東西。
Everything else on that website was also Berenstain…Berenstein excuse me.
網頁上其他地方仍是 Berenstein,
You can see that they listed the titles of the books and the official Berenstein Bears website, the link to that.
你看到他們列出了書名,以及 Berenstein Bears 官方網站的連結,
And then when reality changed, sometime before August it goes back to Berenstain Bears.
當現實改變時,即 8 月前某一刻,就改寫成 Berenstain Bears,
And you can see all the titles again of the books; they’re all changed. And the name of the authors changed and even in the song there, Berenstain Bear.
甚至歌曲也改成 Berenstain Bear。
由於,所有關於 Berenstein Bear 的歷史,像是全部被改寫了,
去證明這個卡通人物的名字是 Berenstein,而不是 Berenstain。
例如,1985 年的電視節目表、1992 年的報紙、1998 年的報紙、
2003 年的報紙、 又例如一些圖書的名稱是 Berenstein,
但作者名又變回 Berenstain。 這些零碎的報章,
日華牧師分析,這件事其實是 Freemason 的實驗。
並且,在神的容許下,2012 年後,
因為從 Berenstein 的圖書當中,已經作出了解答,這輛火車,
號數為 88, 火車 88 正正就是電影《回到未來》當中,
Webbot 亦偵測到這種時間的改變,而很大機會, 就是藉著開動 CERN,將過去的事件改變。 從 Berenstein 的名字改成 Berenstain,
這就是 Freemason 改變歷史的實驗。 這實驗證明了,
Ref: 錫安日報 2012 榮耀盼望 vol. 277