原是一個由大約 150 名學者,於第一次世界大戰期間組成,
該組織成立於 1918 年的紐約市,
是曾於第一次世界大戰中擔任戰爭部長的 Elihu Root,
更包括資深政治家、大商家、銀行家、CIA 及傳媒高層等等。
現時,已發展成一個擁有 4,900 名成員的非牟利智囊組織,
退休財長魯賓、前美國將軍 John Abizaid、前四星上將鮑威爾、
前國務卿奧爾布賴特、開拓重工前 CEO James Owens 等等。
因此,CFR 於美國政經界,亦相當有影響力,
YouTube 片段:
The year is 1917, and Representative Oscar Callaway enters a disturbing statement into the US Congressional Record.
1917 年,眾議院議員 Oscar Callaway,
The statement reveals why J.P. Morgan interests hired 12 high-ranking news managers.
發言中揭露了為何 J.P. Morgan 集團,雇用 12 名新聞界的高層經理。
The 12 were asked to “determine the most influential newspapers in America".
這 12 名人士被指派「分析全美最具影響力的報章」,
They were to figure out how many news organizations it would take “to control generally the policy of the daily press of the United States”.
The 12 found it was only necessary to
“purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers”.
這 12 名人士發現只要「購入 25 份最具影響力報章的控制權」就能做到。
“An agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought and an editor was placed at each paper to ensure that all published information was in keeping with the new policy”.
「協議達成;報章編採方向被購入,在每份報章委派一位總編輯來控制所有報道,吻合新的編採方 向」。
Soon, that policy would be defined by a front group formed by J.P. Morgan and his colleagues.
隨後,編採方向就由一個前線組織來決定,該組織由 J.P. Morgan 和同工組成。
In fact, Morgan’s personal attorney was founding president of the organization, The Council on Foreign Relations.
事實上,Morgan 的私人律師,是「外交關係委員會」(CFR)的創會會長。
Today, the CFR maintains that its goal is to “increase America’s understanding of the world”.
今天,CFR 仍堅稱其宗旨是要「增進美國對全球的理解」。
However, the actual objective of this highly exclusive club is revealed by the rare admissions of the insiders themselves.
In the early 60’s, a Georgetown University professor collects information for a book favorable to the network of powerful men who founded the CFR.
60 年代初,一位喬治城大學教授為到一本書搜集資料,這書關於創立 CFR 的權力人士的關係網絡。
For two years, Professor Carroll Quigley is allowed to examine the confidential papers and secret records of this network.
經過兩年,Carroll Quigley 教授獲准查閱一些機密檔案和一些關於這個網絡的秘密記錄。
Quigley reveals that these men aim “to create a world system of financial control, in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country, and the economy of the world as a whole”.
Quigley 教授發現了這些人旨在「創造一個世界性的金融控制系統,由私人擁有,藉此掌控各國的政 治系統和全球經濟。
In short, they seek total and quiet control, of the entire world.
And the CFR is their most visible conduit for carrying out that agenda. 而 CFR 就是他們最公開的渠道,來執行計劃。
CFR members include America's wealthiest tycoons as well as the highly placed elite in government, academic institutions tax-exempt foundations, and the establishment media.
CFR 成員包括美國最富有的大亨,還有那些精英,來自於政府、學術機構,非牟利組織和建制派傳 媒機構。
Ruling Class Journalists written by Richard Harwood describes the CFR membership as the ruling establishment in the United States.
Richard Harwood 撰寫的《霸權階級的記者》,
形容 CFR 成員就是統治美國的建制派。
The Washington Post article boasted that news reporters who are CFR members “do not merely analyze and interpret foreign policy for the United States they help make it”.
這篇《華盛頓郵報》文章,指出 CFR 成員的新聞記者「不僅分析和解讀美國的外交政策,還在協助 制定政策」。
Who are these policymakers?
Many of their faces are familiar.
NBC's Tom Brokaw
全國廣播公司的 Tom Brokaw
CBS's Dan Rather
哥倫比亞廣播公司的 Dan Rather
ABC's Barbara Walters
美國廣播公司的 Barbara Walters
Jim Lehrer of PBS
美國公共電視台的 Jim Lehrer
William F. Buckley of National Review
國家評論的 William F Buckley
media mogul Rupert Murdoch, owner of the giant multi-faceted News Corporation.
These media heavyweights and many others like them are members of the CFR.
這些傳媒界中的重量級人馬,以及許多像他們的都是 CFR 成員。
Ref: 2012榮耀盼望 Vol.299 Webbot 預測未來變動 ‧ 總結篇